News : Official opening of the Magdeburg City Tunnel

Foto aus dem Tunnel bei der Begehung zur Eröffnung.
One of Magdeburg's largest inner-city construction projects has now been opened to traffic. A construction project in which GWT also has its share.

After almost eight years of con­s­truc­tion, Mag­de­bur­g’s City Tun­nel was ope­ned yes­ter­day as part of the Ernst-Reu­ter-Allee rail over­pass. Con­s­truc­tion star­ted in 2015 with a sym­bo­lic ground­brea­king cerem­ony – from the begin­ning of April 2023, the first cars are expec­ted to roll through the more than 300 meter long tun­nel. The GWT, spe­ci­fi­cally Univ.-Prof. Dr. Ing. Mat­thias Sun­dermeier and his team, have been sup­port­ing the con­s­truc­tion pro­ject since 2021 with expert and con­sul­tant ser­vices in the area of pro­ject con­trol. GWT was plea­sed to accom­pany the event.