
With the fle­xi­ble and modern lear­ning oppor­tu­ni­ties of the TUDAG Group, we work in close coope­ra­tion with indus­try and society, trai­ning and fur­ther edu­ca­tion in theory and prac­tice. We drive inno­va­tion, open up new fields of acti­vity and create an attrac­tive envi­ron­ment for stu­dents and course participants. 

In our edu­ca­tio­nal pro­grams, we com­bine the hig­hest aca­de­mic qua­lity with appli­ca­tion-ori­en­ted con­tent and create the basis for per­so­nal and pro­fes­sio­nal growth at all levels. 

Gruppe von Menschen bei einem Meeting

The highly dyna­mic nature of sci­en­ti­fic and tech­no­lo­gi­cal pro­gress, the glo­ba­liza­tion of labour and eco­no­mic mar­kets and the incre­asing pres­sure on resour­ces are pla­cing new demands on exis­ting edu­ca­tion sys­tems. More indi­vi­dua­li­zed edu­ca­tio­nal paths, inter­di­sci­pli­nary com­pe­ten­cies and a high degree of topi­cal­ity of the tea­ching con­tent form the basis for con­ti­nuing to meet exis­ting needs. TUDA­G’s edu­ca­tio­nal pro­grams, such as Bache­lor’s and Mas­ter’s degree cour­ses, advan­ced trai­ning cour­ses and lan­guage cour­ses, focus on the trans­fer of theory and prac­tice, which we ensure and gua­ran­tee through strin­gent qua­lity assu­rance measures.

The expan­sion of rene­wa­ble ener­gies is a cen­tral com­po­nent of the energy tran­si­tion. At EIPOS, you will acquire holi­stic spe­cia­list know­ledge for the plan­ning of pho­to­vol­taic sys­tems while working. 
We are plea­sed to wel­come Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Wolf­gang Lipp­mann as Sci­en­ti­fic Direc­tor for our Mas­ter’s degree pro­gram »Hydro­gen Tech­no­logy and Eco­no­mics«. In this inter­view, he pro­vi­des insights into his career and his vision for the future of hydro­gen tech­no­logy and its importance for the energy transition. 
This year’s EIPOS Expert Days on real estate and buil­ding damage assess­ment and wood pre­ser­va­tion were a com­plete suc­cess and a high­light in this year’s calen­dar of events. 
DIU Logo

We rethink education

Dres­den Inter­na­tio­nal Uni­ver­sity GmbH (DIU) is a state-reco­­g­ni­­zed pri­vate uni­ver­sity as a con­ti­nuing edu­ca­tion uni­ver­sity of the TU Dres­den, offe­ring con­ti­nuing and fur­ther edu­ca­tion mas­ter’s degree pro­grams (part-time and full-time), bache­lor’s degree pro­grams in the con­text of the aca­de­miza­tion of the health pro­fes­si­ons, bache­lor’s degree pro­grams accom­pany­ing and inte­gra­ted into trai­ning, Eng­­lish-lan­­guage degree pro­grams for inter­na­tio­nal stu­dents, inter­na­tio­nal coope­ra­tive degree pro­grams and cour­ses, as well as aca­de­mic con­ti­nuing edu­ca­tion in the form of modu­lar offe­rings such as micro-cer­­ti­­fi­­cate cour­ses, Cer­ti­fi­cate of Advan­ced Stu­dies (CAS) and Diploma of Advan­ced Stu­dies (DAS).

We create education. For all.

With EIPOS, TUDIAS and the Dres­den Inter­na­tio­nal Uni­ver­sity (DIU), the edu­ca­tio­nal cam­pus unites three sub­si­dia­ries of TU Dres­den AG under the roof of the World Trade Cen­ter Dres­den. Whe­ther spe­cia­li­zed trai­ning for engi­neers, archi­tects and experts, prac­­tice-ori­en­­ted lan­guage cour­ses or advan­ced bache­lor’s and mas­ter’s degree pro­grams: The Edu­ca­tion Cam­pus stands for a wide range of trai­ning and con­ti­nuing edu­ca­tion pro­grams for stu­dents, pro­s­pec­tive stu­dents and pro­fes­sio­nals – with the aim of crea­ting new access to edu­ca­tion. For all.

Competence further education construction

For more than 30 years, EIPOS has been a lea­ding pro­vi­der of more than 200 in-ser­­vice trai­ning cour­ses cove­ring all aspects of plan­ning, exe­cu­tion, main­ten­ance and manage­ment of buil­ding faci­li­ties. Due to its struc­tu­red and prac­­tice-ori­en­­ted tea­ching con­tent, first-class tea­ching staff, indi­vi­dual sup­port and lively inter­ac­tion in the EIPOS expert net­work, we are a relia­ble part­ner who will accom­pany you on every career step in your pro­fes­sio­nal life. EIPOS stands for qua­lity, expe­ri­ence and inno­va­tion – from con­ti­nuing edu­ca­tion to per­so­nal cer­ti­fi­ca­tion with EIPOSCERT.

Proven expertise for professional success

With EIPOSCERT to pro­fes­sio­nal suc­cess: As an accre­di­ted and inde­pen­dent cer­ti­fi­ca­tion body, the sub­si­diary of EIPOS offers per­so­nal cer­ti­fi­ca­ti­ons for free­lance experts accor­ding to DIN EN ISO/​​IEC 17024. EIPOSCERT per­so­nal cer­ti­fi­ca­tion not only attests to spe­cial exper­tise in a par­ti­cu­lar field, but also to a high level of per­so­nal integrity. 

Language training for individuals and companies

FSA Frem­d­spra­chen-Aka­­de­­mie has been rea­li­zing cus­to­mi­zed con­ti­nuing edu­ca­tion con­cepts for indi­vi­du­als and com­pa­nies for more than 15 years. Whe­ther semi­nars on col­lo­quial and busi­ness lan­guage, spe­cia­list and com­­pany-spe­ci­­fic for­eign lan­guage trai­ning, inter­cul­tu­ral work­shops or indi­vi­dual spe­cia­list trans­la­ti­ons: As a sub­si­diary of TUDIAS GmbH, FSA sup­ports inter­na­tio­nally active com­pa­nies in all mat­ters rela­ting to lan­guage and inter­cul­tu­ral understanding.

Consulting for international education and training

As a con­sul­ting com­pany of the TUDAG Group, TUD­FaCE sup­ports inter­na­tio­nal part­ners in the deve­lo­p­ment of voca­tio­nal trai­ning and fur­ther edu­ca­tion struc­tures in the high-tech and ser­vice sec­tors. This includes con­sul­ting ser­vices such as fea­si­bi­lity stu­dies as well as con­sul­ting and imple­men­ta­tion of edu­ca­tio­nal pro­grams. In addi­tion, TUD­FaCE rea­li­zes human resour­ces and orga­niza­tio­nal deve­lo­p­ment of inter­na­tio­nal lea­ders and tea­chers in voca­tio­nal edu­ca­tion and training.

Education, language and community

The TU Dres­den Insti­tute for Advan­ced Stu­dies (TUDIAS) brings edu­ca­tion, lan­guage and com­mu­nity tog­e­ther in one place. As a sub­si­diary of TUDAG, TUDIAS pre­pa­res stu­dents, pro­s­pec­tive stu­dents, com­pa­nies and indi­vi­du­als for inter­na­tio­nal study and career oppor­tu­ni­ties. Edu­ca­tio­nal offe­rings include lan­guage cour­ses in more than 20 for­eign lan­guages, as well as cour­ses for uni­ver­sity pre­pa­ra­tion and pro­fes­sio­nal development.


Education, language and community – China

TUDIAS TU Dres­den Insti­tute of Advan­ced Stu­dies has been working suc­cessfully in China for many years. In order to pro­vide even bet­ter sup­port for course par­ti­ci­pants and coope­ra­tion part­ners in China in the future, a wholly-owned sub­si­diary and Chi­nese branch office was foun­ded in Suz­hou, China, at the begin­ning of 2023 – TUDIAS (Suz­hou) Edu­ca­tion Manage­ment Tech­no­logy Co., Ltd. The main tasks of TUDIAS Suz­hou are to sup­port coope­ra­tion part­ners in super­vi­sing and advi­sing course par­ti­ci­pants and coope­ra­tion uni­ver­si­ties and high schools in initia­ting and imple­men­ting high-qua­­lity lan­guage cour­ses. At the same time, TUDIAS Suz­hou would like to offer new pro­ducts in addi­tion to those alre­ady known, such as lan­guage exami­na­ti­ons and ent­rance tests. These include, in par­ti­cu­lar, face-to-face cour­ses at the Changshu site as well as cour­ses and examinations/​​tests at sel­ec­ted loca­ti­ons in various regi­ons in China.