
TUDAG is a strong player in the trans­fer bet­ween sci­ence and indus­try. We bring tog­e­ther rese­arch topics from the pri­vate sec­tor with sui­ta­ble part­ners from aca­de­mic rese­arch. We under­take and accom­pany stu­dies, basic and appli­ca­tion research.

Busi­ness and sci­ence – they belong tog­e­ther. We link the per­for­mance of the uni­ver­sity rese­arch land­scape with the needs of indus­try – for mutual benefit. 

Indus­trial con­tract rese­arch, cli­ni­cal rese­arch and sup­port­ing sci­en­tists in tech­no­logy trans­fer – this has been our mis­sion for over 25 years. In close coope­ra­tion with the TU Dres­den as well as other uni­ver­si­ties and non-uni­ver­sity rese­arch insti­tu­ti­ons, TUDAG pro­vi­des trans­fer ser­vices in the fields of manage­ment, law, accoun­ting, finance and pro­ject design. With its solu­tion-ori­en­ted ser­vices, TUDAG, as a trans­fer expert, sup­ports sci­en­tists in the trans­fer of their sci­en­ti­fic fin­dings into tech­no­lo­gies through to mar­ket-ready products.

GWT stands for diver­sity and open­ness to the world in business 
With an inde­pen­dent rating of 4.2 points from employees, GWT joins the list of very highly rated employer profiles. 
GWT cele­bra­tes its 28th anniversary. 

We. Knowledge. Like.

The Gesell­schaft für Wis­­sens- und Tech­no­lo­gie­trans­fer (GWT) mana­ges more than 1000 rese­arch and trans­fer pro­jects in over 30 count­ries. With exper­tise and pro­fes­sio­na­lism, the GWT sup­ports sci­en­tists from
Indus­try and medi­cine on the way from rese­arch to appli­ca­tion. The com­pany’s core objec­tive is to set up indi­vi­dual ser­vice con­cepts and thus open up new mar­kets in a tar­ge­ted manner.

Innovation in hematology and medical oncology

Whe­ther con­cep­tion, pro­ject manage­ment or eva­lua­tion of cli­ni­cal tri­als: GMIHO sup­ports phy­si­ci­ans in the field of hema­to­logy and onco­logy in the rea­liza­tion of rese­arch projects. 

New standards for science and business

5G Lab GmbH pur­sues the know­ledge and tech­no­logy trans­fer of 5G from sci­ence to indus­try for 5G Lab Ger­many. The inter­di­sci­pli­nary team of the TU Dres­den com­bi­nes the know-how of 600 sci­en­tists from 23 rese­arch areas.

Competence meets innovation

As a ser­vice pro­vi­der for tech­no­logy trans­fer, HZDR Inno­va­tion GmbH imple­ments pro­duc­tion and ser­vice orders from indus­try. In addi­tion to deve­lo­ping and manu­fac­tu­ring pro­to­ty­pes, the com­pany also over­sees their marketing.

Hub for IoT innovations

In the com­pe­ti­tion for inno­va­tive deve­lo­p­ments, Smart Sys­tems Hub GmbH relies on bund­led com­pe­ten­cies: As a lively hub, the Smart Sys­tem Hub – Enab­ling IoT brings tog­e­ther busi­ness, the startup scene, sci­ence and inves­tors at the Dres­den location.