How we work together

Principles of conduct for TUDAG TU Dresden Aktiengesellschaft and
for subsidiaries of the TUDAG Group

The prin­ci­ples of con­duct for­mu­late the essen­tial rules and prin­ci­ples for respon­si­ble and legally cor­rect beha­vior by all employees and thus reflect the values that are bin­ding for us as the TUDAG Group.

How the TUDAG Group is per­cei­ved by the public depends lar­gely on each indi­vi­dual. By alig­ning our actions with high ethi­cal and legal stan­dards, we create trust, pre­vent con­flict situa­tions and pro­tect the repu­ta­tion of the TUDAG Group.

The prin­ci­ples of con­duct are inten­ded to pro­vide uni­form, prac­ti­cally appli­ca­ble and coher­ent gui­dance for ever­y­day busi­ness situa­tions. They apply to all employees; in addi­tion, our mana­gers must actively ful­fill their role model function.

It is cru­cial that all employees live the cor­po­rate values and our prin­ci­ples of con­duct and use them as a bench­mark for their actions, as well as actively com­mu­ni­ca­ting their con­tent. This is the only way to ensure the long-term suc­cess of the TUDAG Group.


Lawyer Hen­ning Schneider

Cas­par-David-Fried­rich-Strasse 6
01219 Dres­den

+49 351 – 477 820
