
In the Entre­pre­neur­ship busi­ness unit, we orga­nize start-ups with a high pace. We par­ti­ci­pate in the seed finan­cing round as well as in the fol­lo­wing finan­cing rounds, offer access to our net­work espe­ci­ally in the Saxon startup eco­sys­tem and sup­port foun­ders in buil­ding up the com­pany with con­sul­ting and ser­vices from our own hand in the area of Finance & Accoun­ting, HR, IT and Team Office.

As TUDAG hol­ding, we are com­mit­ted to trans­forming the dyna­mism and inno­va­tive power of our rese­arch land­scape into suc­cessful entre­pre­neur­ship. To this end, we offer stu­dents, tea­chers and other rese­ar­chers a tried and tes­ted plat­form as well as ven­ture capital. 

A loft workspace with young people working together

For more than 20 years, the TUDAG group of com­pa­nies has been pro­mo­ting start-ups in Dres­den as a busi­ness loca­tion. With curr­ently more than 550 jobs in com­pa­nies co-foun­ded by TUDAG, we make an important con­tri­bu­tion to the busi­ness land­scape of the state capi­tal. Our close rela­tion to the TU Dres­den enables us to create a plat­form for a fast and suc­cessful spin-off.

In doing so, we not only offer start­ups access to indi­vi­dual con­sul­ting ser­vices and to a far-rea­ching net­work, but also par­ti­ci­pate in finan­cing rounds. We curr­ently com­bine invest­ments by third par­ties in com­pa­nies finan­ced and co-foun­ded by TUDAG amoun­ting to over half a bil­lion euros with the capi­tal con­tri­bu­ti­ons made by TUDAG.

Prin­ted sen­sor films for the energy tran­si­tion and indus­trial appli­ca­ti­ons of tomor­row: TGFS acqui­res stake in Flex­ora GmbH 
It is no lon­ger pos­si­ble to speak after a laryn­gec­tomy. Around 3,000 peo­ple in Ger­many are affec­ted every year. Altavo wants to give these peo­ple back their natu­ral-sound­ing voice. 
Spin­Lab – The HHL Acce­le­ra­tor is ope­ning ano­ther loca­tion in Dres­den in coope­ra­tion with the Tech­ni­sche Uni­ver­si­tät Dres­den and the Excel­lence Cen­ter for Inno­va­tion, Trans­fer and Entre­pre­neur­ship (TUD|excite) as well as TU Dres­den Akti­en­ge­sell­schaft (TUDAG): Exci­teLab. The new acce­le­ra­tor for high-tech start-ups is sup­ported by lea­ding com­pa­nies from indus­try and the region, inclu­ding VON ARDENNE GmbH, Infi­neon Tech­no­lo­gies AG, MBG Sach­sen, Zeiss Inno­va­tion Hub, For­vis Mazars, white IP and SAP SE. 

Altavo gives voice­l­ess peo­ple back their voice: The Dres­­den-based startup, foun­ded in 2021, uses non-inva­­sive radar sen­sor tech­no­logy and AI algo­rithms for speech reco­gni­tion to improve the reha­bi­li­ta­tion of voice­l­ess peo­ple. Com­pared to exis­ting forms, the approach enables hig­her speech qua­lity, bet­ter mana­gea­bi­lity and a lower risk of complications.

Since 2011, AMFD – Auto Mobil For­schung Dres­den GmbH has been super­vi­sing the prac­ti­cal imple­men­ta­tion of indus­tri­ally appli­ca­ble deve­lo­p­ment tools. These include, in par­ti­cu­lar, pro­duct solu­ti­ons for auto­mo­tive deve­lo­p­ment and test­ing for OEMs, sup­pli­ers and sci­ence-rela­­ted partners.

Logo ConCons

Conn­Cons deve­lops smart medi­cal sup­plies that use infor­ma­tion tech­no­logy to increase the level of auto­ma­tion in regu­la­ting and moni­to­ring medi­ca­tion during the­ra­pies. Mul­ti­ple the­ra­peu­tic mea­su­res curr­ently require a high degree of error-prone coor­di­na­tion, com­bi­ned with a large num­ber of indi­vi­dual mea­su­res to be con­trol­led by medi­cal staff.
The goal of Conn­Cons is to auto­mate the mar­ket in the field of digi­tal con­trol of, among other things, medi­cal fluid the­ra­pies, thus gene­ra­ting a com­pe­ti­tive advan­tage that will lead to a signi­fi­cant mar­ket share in a com­mer­ci­ally attrac­tive segment.

Logo Credoxys

CREDOXYS GmbH deve­lops and dis­tri­bu­tes spe­cialty che­mi­cals for orga­nic elec­tro­nics. As a com­po­nent of orga­nic light-emi­t­­ting diodes (OLEDs) and solar cells, CREDOXYS‹ novel trans­port mate­ri­als and dopants improve the per­for­mance of smart­phone dis­plays and fle­xi­ble solar films (OPV). The plat­form con­cept of the new mate­rial clas­ses allows the mate­rial pro­per­ties to be adapted to the requi­re­ments of a wide variety of appli­ca­ti­ons. CREDOXYS GmbH was foun­ded in 2021 as a spin-off of the TU Dresden.

Logo ExciteLab-Transparent

ExciteLab’s pro­gram focu­ses on key tech­no­lo­gies such as the Inter­net of Things, semi­con­duc­tors, robo­tics, sen­sors, semi­con­duc­tors and quan­tum tech­no­logy. Start-up teams receive indi­vi­dual sup­port and access to glo­bal com­pa­nies and inves­tors. Exci­teLab builds on the pro­ven exper­tise of Leipzig’s Spin­Lab, which was recently named one of Europe’s lea­ding start-up cen­ters by the Finan­cial Times and Sta­tista. The aim is to estab­lish Dres­den as a lea­ding Euro­pean metro­po­lis for high-tech start-ups and to streng­then the IP trans­fer and spin-off acti­vi­ties of TU Dresden.

Helia­tek deve­lops, manu­fac­tures and mar­kets ultra-thin, large-area solar films based on 100 per­cent green tech­no­logy. As a result, the spin-off from TU Dres­den and Ulm Uni­ver­sity foun­ded in 2016 is now con­side­red a tech­no­logy lea­der in the field of orga­nic pho­to­vol­taics (OPV).

IAM GmbH spe­cia­li­zes in inno­va­tive mobi­lity solu­ti­ons in the field of vehicle mecha­tro­nics. In coope­ra­tion with the TU Dres­den, the sub­si­diary of TUDAG sup­ports the trans­fer of indus­­try-rela­­ted rese­arch ser­vices on topics rela­ted to auto­ma­ted driving.

A bio­tech spin-off of TU Dres­den, Innate Repair Limi­ted (IR Lld.) aims to advance the tre­at­ment of can­cer and dege­ne­ra­tive dise­a­ses. To this end, IR Ltd. trans­la­tes sci­en­ti­fic con­cepts gene­ra­ted at TUD into com­mer­ci­ally suc­cessful the­ra­peu­tic options.

Logo Lohrmanns

Lohrmann’s Brew is the result of sci­en­ti­fic hop sci­ence and tra­di­tio­nal bre­wing craft. The beer deve­lo­ped at the Tech­ni­cal Uni­ver­sity of Dres­den con­vin­ces with uni­ver­sity depth and high aca­de­mic ori­gi­nal gra­vity: A true bea­rer of know­ledge that com­bi­nes qua­lity, cul­ture and taste.

The focus at MDTB Cells is on the deve­lo­p­ment of cell-based immu­no­mo­du­la­tory agents and drugs. The joint goal of the phar­maceu­ti­cal com­pa­nies is to deve­lop new rege­ne­ra­tive the­ra­pies for severe inflam­m­a­­tion-asso­cia­­ted dise­a­ses and to apply them, in par­ti­cu­lar, in large pati­ent populations.

Ultra­vio­let radia­tion (UV radia­tion) plays an important role in many indus­trial pro­ces­ses. In spe­cial prin­ting appli­ca­ti­ons and when coa­ting pro­ducts, UV radia­tion is used for dry­ing /​​ curing as well as for dis­in­fec­ting large sys­tems and food pack­a­ging. With the UV mea­su­ring strips deve­lo­ped by PRUUVE, it is now pos­si­ble to accu­ra­tely mea­sure UV radia­tion during the pro­cess and avoid expen­sive over­do­sing. We have deve­lo­ped a read-out device for eva­lua­ting the mea­su­ring strips, which can also be used for docu­men­ta­tion and qua­lity control. 

Riboxx deve­lops, manu­fac­tures and mar­kets uni­que com­pounds for the immu­no­the­rapy of can­cer or viral dise­a­ses. Riboxx was foun­ded in 2009 by Prof. Dr. med. Jac­ques Roh­ayem and has 2 busi­ness units: The riboxx life sci­en­ces busi­ness unit, for the deve­lo­p­ment, manu­fac­tu­ring and com­mer­cia­liza­tion of mole­cu­lar gene swit­ches and the riboxx phar­maceu­ti­cals busi­ness unit, for the deve­lo­p­ment, manu­fac­tu­ring and com­mer­cia­liza­tion of mole­cu­lar immunoswitches.

With the world’s first odor detec­tor chip for mass-mar­ket devices, Smart Nano­tu­bes Tech­no­lo­gies GmbH enables fast and simple digi­tal odor detec­tion. The tech­no­logy allows com­pa­nies to deve­lop inno­va­tive pro­duct solu­ti­ons for diverse odor and gas detec­tion applications.

Logo Spinncloud

SpiNN­cloud Sys­tems GmbH offers highly par­al­lel and real-time com­pu­ting tech­no­logy for arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence (AI) appli­ca­ti­ons. In doing so, the inno­va­tive tech­no­logy com­bi­nes the ele­ments of sta­tis­ti­cal AI with a brain-inspi­­red micro­pro­ces­sor design to deli­ver real-time AI applications.

TUDATEX GmbH offers inno­va­tive, tex­­­tile-based solu­ti­ons from a sin­gle source: As a link bet­ween sci­ence and indus­try, the com­pany pro­vi­des ser­vices in all areas of tex­tile tech­no­logy, tex­tile machine con­s­truc­tion and appli­­­ca­­tion-rela­­ted sectors.

VUFO ope­ra­tes as a non-uni­­ver­­­sity rese­arch insti­tute in the field of vehicle and traf­fic safety. On the one hand, the main focus of our com­pany is on the docu­men­ta­tion and recon­s­truc­tion of traf­fic acci­dents within the glo­bally renow­ned GIDAS pro­ject. On the other hand, as a renow­ned ser­vice pro­vi­der, we spe­cia­lize in the pro­ces­sing of natio­nal and inter­na­tio­nal pro­jects in the field of data ana­ly­sis, novel vehicle safety sys­tems and auto­ma­ted driving.