The TUDAG – Joint Stock Company of the TU Dresden

TUDAG initia­tes, super­vi­ses and acce­le­ra­tes the trans­fer of know­ledge and tech­no­logy to indus­try and society. With its more than 35 sub­si­dia­ries and asso­cia­ted com­pa­nies, it plays an important and exem­plary bridging role on the path from sci­en­ti­fic know­ledge to its prac­ti­cal application.

With TUDAG, TU Dres­den has a strong part­ner that sup­ports our uni­ver­sity of excel­lence in the trans­fer of sci­en­ti­fic fin­dings into application. 

World Trade Center Dresden

Our guiding principles

TU Dres­den AG sup­ports the #Gemein­sam­Für­De­mo­kra­tie event. As TUDAG, we are cle­arly com­mit­ted to the prin­ci­ples of the rule of law, free­dom and democracy. 
In glo­rious sum­mer wea­ther, the employees of TUDAG-Hol­ding met for the annual sum­mer party on June 22, 2023. 
The event on June 16 was all about sha­ring and networking 

The structure of TUDAG

TUDAG is a joint stock com­pany under the sole spon­sor­ship of the Society of Fri­ends and Spon­sors of the TU Dres­den. Each mem­ber of the Exe­cu­tive Board is respon­si­ble for one of the three busi­ness areas of TUDAG.

The Board

Spokesman of the Board

Udo Wer­ner stu­died law in Jena and Frank­furt a.M. and pas­sed both state law exami­na­ti­ons. A fully qua­li­fied lawyer, he is also a gra­duate of Har­vard Uni­ver­sity, where he ear­ned a ›Mas­ter in Public Admi­nis­tra­tion‹ degree. He began his career as a manage­ment con­sul­tant with McK­in­sey & Com­pany. As a board mem­ber of medium-sized stock cor­po­ra­ti­ons, the native of Zit­tau was pri­ma­rily respon­si­ble for cor­po­rate stra­tegy, mer­gers & acqui­si­ti­ons, human resour­ces, legal affairs and finance. He played a key role in the rea­lignment of the state-owned invest­ment com­pany of the Free State of Thuringia.

As of Octo­ber 1, 2020, Udo Wer­ner was appoin­ted mem­ber and as of Janu­ary 1, 2021, spo­kes­man of the TUDAG Exe­cu­tive Board. He is pri­ma­rily respon­si­ble for the Group’s finan­ces and for over­see­ing the company’s vast num­ber of share­hol­dings.

Board Member for Technology Transfer

Prof. Jac­ques Roh­ayem stu­died human medi­cine and com­ple­ted his resi­dency, doc­to­rate and habi­li­ta­tion at the Medi­cal Faculty of the Tech­ni­cal Uni­ver­sity of Dres­den, where he con­ti­nues to work as a pro­fes­sor of cli­ni­cal viro­logy. He is the foun­der and mana­ging direc­tor of Riboxx GmbH, a glo­bal bio­tech com­pany in the field of drug deve­lo­p­ment and com­mer­cia­liza­tion since 2009.

In addi­tion to the respon­si­bi­li­ties of the Board of Tech­no­logy Trans­fer, he has, with his exper­tise from more than 20 years of expe­ri­ence in the field of indus­try, phar­maceu­ti­cal and bio­tech­no­logy, taken over the suc­ces­sion of the manage­ment of GWT-TUD GmbH in per­so­nal union. GWT is a 100 per­cent sub­si­diary of TUDAG and the hol­ding com­pany with the hig­hest turnover.

Chief Knowledge Transfer Officer

Dr. Merle Emre is a pro­ven hig­her edu­ca­tion expert with various pro­fes­sio­nal sta­ti­ons at state, church and pri­vate col­leges and uni­ver­si­ties. She stu­died Inter­cul­tu­ral Lite­ra­ture and Poli­tics in Braun­schweig, Ham­burg and Ankara. She also com­ple­ted a part-time MBA in Hig­her Edu­ca­tion and Sci­ence Manage­ment in Osnabrück.

Effec­tive Febru­ary 2023, Dr. Merle Emre has been appoin­ted as a mem­ber of TUDAG’s Exe­cu­tive Board and in this role is respon­si­ble for the area of know­ledge trans­fer. She is also appoin­ted as Mana­ging Direc­tor of the sub­si­diary DIU Dres­den Inter­na­tio­nal University.

TUDAG Vorstände Jacques Rohayem · Udo Werner · Merle Emre
Jac­ques Roh­ayem · Udo Wer­ner · Merle Emre

The Supervisory Board

Chairman of the Supervisory Board

Mem­ber of the Board of Mana­ging Direc­tors of DVB AG and DRE­WAG-Stadt­werke Dres­den GmbH for many years

Deputy Chairman of the Supervisory Board

The Rec­tor of TU Dres­den over­sees all inter­nal and exter­nal affairs of the Uni­ver­sity. In coor­di­na­tion with the Exten­ded Rec­to­rate and the Senate of the Uni­ver­sity, Dr. Ursula M. Stau­din­ger also deter­mi­nes the direc­tion of rese­arch and tea­ching and repres­ents the Uni­ver­sity externally.

Supervisory Board member

State Secre­tary at the Saxon State Minis­try of Sci­ence, Cul­ture and Tou­rism. For­mer Chan­cellor of the Tech­ni­cal Uni­ver­sity of Dresden.

Supervisory Board member

TUD Chancellor Jan Gerken
Dipl.-Ök. Jan Ger­ken. Chan­cellor of the TU Dres­den. As Chan­cellor, Mr. Ger­ken is a mem­ber of the Rec­to­rate and heads the University’s administration.

The shared services of TUDAG

With its Shared Ser­vices, TUDAG offers its sub­si­dia­ries and affi­lia­tes powerful admi­nis­tra­tive sup­port and infrastructure.

With their pro­fes­sio­nal exper­tise, they pro­vide the neces­sary back­ing that enables the Group com­pa­nies to focus on their core busi­ness competencies.

Team Office

IT & Infrastructure

Human Resources Management

Room Rental

Finance & Accounting