In the tree greenery on our roof terrace a duck mother had made herself comfortable and prepared a nest for breeding. In a phone call with the Wildvogelauffangstation Dresden we were told that the duck now needs rest above all. The terrace is usually bustling with activity and students and staff use it for breaks or casual meetings. However, the cool and wet beginning of spring played into the hands of our duck family and they were able to breed in peace.
Last weekend the time had come: a mama duck and ten chicks waddled across the terrace. In order to move the animals to a suitable home, the Dresden Fire Department’s animal rescue team arrived at the WTC on Monday and the young family’s story had a happy ending. The mother together with the ten young animals could be caught. A little later, the duck families were released back into the wild at the gravel pit in Leuben. Bei Instagram gibt es die bewegten Bilder der Feuerwehr Dresden dazu.