News : Lohrmanns: Prof. Thomas Henle inducted into the »Hall of Fame« of food chemistry

Professor Thomas Henle und eine Flasche Lohrmanns Bier
On August 22, Prof. Thomas Henle received the Joseph König Commemorative Medal from the German Chemical Society (GDCh).

He was hono­red for his fun­da­men­tal work on che­mi­cal chan­ges during food pro­ces­sing and for his rese­arch on the phy­sio­lo­gi­cal signi­fi­cance of pro­tein modi­fi­ca­ti­ons, car­bo­hy­dra­tes and bio­ac­tive pep­ti­des. Prof. Hen­le’s working group gai­ned par­ti­cu­lar fame through the elu­ci­da­tion of the anti­bac­te­ri­ally active ingre­di­ents of New Zea­land Manuka honey.
And because it is a mat­ter close to his heart to trans­fer inno­va­tive fin­dings from basic rese­arch into prac­tice, his exper­tise is always incor­po­ra­ted into the deve­lo­p­ment of new Lohr­mann varie­ties.

The Joseph König Com­me­mo­ra­tive Coin is endo­wed with 7,500 euros and has been awarded by the Exe­cu­tive Board of the Ger­man Che­mi­cal Society (GDCh) since 1951, usually every two years, to out­stan­ding per­so­na­li­ties who have made spe­cial con­tri­bu­ti­ons to sci­en­ti­fic deve­lo­p­ment and to the natio­nal and inter­na­tio­nal pro­mo­tion and reco­gni­tion of food che­mis­try. The list of hono­rees to date is thus a kind of »Hall of Fame« of food che­mis­try in Germany.

You can find the TU Dres­den press release here.