News : DIU: mdr-Sachsenspiegel reports on the Writing Academy

Last Monday was the anniversary of the birth of the famous poet Johann Wolfgang Goethe, and DIU's Writing Academy had come up with something special to mark the special occasion. An event dedicated not only to Goethe and his guest Friedrich Schiller, but also focused on the impressive course successes of the Writing Academy.

Among those invi­ted were the mana­ging direc­tor of DIU, Dr. Merle Emre, the for­mer pre­si­dent of DIU, Prof. Dr. Irene Schnei­der-Bött­cher, and num­e­rous pat:ins, some of whom have sup­ported the Wri­ting Aca­demy for years, such as Cars­ten Nau­mann from Sach­se­n­en­er­gie, Anne Mareck from WBS, and Kat­rin Rei­chel, a stu­dent of mid­wi­fery at DIU.
After a round of intro­duc­tions, the guests were wel­co­med by Goe­the (Dr. Wolf Weh­ner) and Schil­ler (Frank from the Wri­ting Aca­demy). After­wards, the par­ti­ci­pants read self-writ­ten quo­ta­ti­ons by Goe­the and Schil­ler and told about their expe­ri­en­ces during the course. After­wards, all nine books that have been crea­ted so far within the frame­work of the Wri­ting Aca­demy were presented.

The cerem­ony was accom­pa­nied by a camera team from Mit­tel­deut­scher Rund­funk. You can curr­ently still watch the Mdr Sach­sen­spie­gel report in the Mdr-Media­thek.

For more infor­ma­tion on the DIU Wri­ting Aca­demy, please visit the pages of the DIU.