News : CREDOXYS with successful financing round

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CREDOXYS secures financing round for the market launch of novel doping technology for OLEDs and organic solar cells

CREDOXYS, the Dres­den-based deep-tech start-up for novel OLED doping tech­no­logy, has suc­cessfully clo­sed ano­ther finan­cing round.

The round is led by the Ita­lian deep-tech Ven­ture Capi­tal Inves­tor LIFTT and the Mel­ch­ers Group from Bre­men. The pre­vious inves­tors TGFS Tech­no­lo­gie­grün­der­fonds and TUDAG as well as other busi­ness angels are also par­ti­ci­pa­ting once again.

“We have the tech­no­logy for the OLED-dis­play and the orga­nic solar cell of tomor­row,” says Dr. Sascha Dorok, Mana­ging Part­ner of CREDOXYS. “The finan­cing round will enable us to expand our deve­lo­p­ment acti­vi­ties and thus acce­le­rate our entry into the OLED mar­kets in Korea and China.” Since its foun­da­tion in 2021, CREDOXYS has focu­sed on the rese­arch and deve­lo­p­ment of novel doping mate­ri­als for orga­nic elec­tro­nics. These recently deve­lo­ped mate­rial clas­ses enable the pro­duc­tion of OLED dis­plays and orga­nic solar cells with hig­her effi­ci­en­cies and lon­ger lifetimes.

For detailed infor­ma­tion about CREDOXYS and its inno­va­tive doping mate­ri­als, visit the com­pany’s web­site at