News : DIU educational expertise for the Silicon Saxony network

Übergabe der Urkunde auf der Bühne.
As a new member of Silicon Saxony, we look forward to contributing our educational expertise to the association and its members and working together to find solutions to the challenges facing the industry.

The DIU joi­ned the glo­bally net­worked Saxon asso­cia­tion on 01.01.2024 in order to streng­then and expand coope­ra­tion in the trai­ning and fur­ther edu­ca­tion of skil­led workers. We see enorm­ous syn­ergy poten­tial through net­wor­king with poten­tial lec­tu­r­ers from other mem­ber com­pa­nies in order to acce­le­rate the trans­fer from sci­ence to prac­tice and vice versa. This applies in par­ti­cu­lar to the inter­na­tio­nal DIU degree pro­grams Logi­stics Manage­ment, Non-Des­truc­tive Test­ing and Indus­trial Manage­ment in Microelectronics.

Dr. Merle Emre and Armin Bie­ler were guests at the asso­cia­ti­on’s annual kick-off event on 30.01.2024 in Chem­nitz and accepted the cer­ti­fi­cate as the 500th Sili­con Sax­ony mem­ber in a fes­tive setting.