News : ›Der Spiegel‹ reports about SpiNNcloud

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Our portfolio startup SpiNNcloud is part of the current DER SPIEGEL editorial issue 10-2023.

SpiNN­cloud Sys­tems, a spin-off of TU Dres­den, has been part of the TUDAG startup family since 2021. Prof. Dr. Chris­tian Mayr and Chris­tian Eich­horn were inter­viewed for the cur­rent DER SPIEGEL cover story »The world power – how ChatGPT and Co. are chan­ging our lives«. One of SpiNNcloud’s goals is to run large AI models like ChatGPT in a much more energy-effi­ci­ent way on its own hard­ware, thus signi­fi­cantly redu­cing the CO2 foot­print of AI.

Click here for the article (S+).