News : GWT supports new study on the effectiveness of the innovative RUBI-Glass blood filter goggles

Brille von Rubi Glas
The effectiveness of the glasses, which are intended to increase the alertness and attention of emergency services personnel and, above all, reduce their own risk of post-traumatic stress disorder, is now being investigated as part of a "low interventional study".

Emer­gency ser­vices from all areas, whe­ther vol­un­teer fire depart­ments, tech­ni­cal relief orga­niza­ti­ons, the Ger­man Armed Forces or first respon­ders, are often con­fron­ted with situa­tions in which peo­ple are so badly inju­red that the hel­pers can no lon­ger get rid of these images. The result is slee­p­less nights, increased irri­ta­bi­lity, ten­sion, anxiety… in short, post-trau­ma­tic stress disorder.

The RUBI-Glass gog­gles have spe­ci­ally coa­ted len­ses that reflect the color spec­trum of blood and dis­play it as black, whe­reas other colors are not alte­red. The use of RUBI-Glass gog­gles is inten­ded to increase the alert­ness and atten­tion of emer­gency per­son­nel and, above all, reduce their own risk of post-trau­ma­tic stress disorder.
This effec­ti­ve­ness is now being inves­ti­ga­ted as part of a »low inter­ven­tio­nal study«, which is being super­vi­sed by the GWT.

Fur­ther infor­ma­tion on the glas­ses and the study can be found here: