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The campaign, initiated by the »Living with Cancer« foundation receives significant support from the University Hospital Carl Gustav Carus Dresden – from project coordination to personnel and material contributions. The commitment of the Saxon Elbe Regatta Club is also crucial. Their member clubs not only provide the volunteer coaches for the teams, but also take over the management of the race- and this for the tenth time. Dresden International University has also been involved from the very beginning. It is the main sponsor of the charity regatta.
On September 24th, 52 amateur athletes, patients, employees and supporters of the Dresden University Medical Center will compete in teams of four. The focus of the charity regatta is not only on sporting success but above all on the commitment to a good cause. The funds raised will be used to finance therapy programs for people with cancer in Dresden and Saxony. »Rowing against Cancer« was initiated by the »Living with Cancer« foundation which organizes charity regattas at more than ten locations nationwide.
Among others, Barbara Hauptmann is involved in Dresden with a very special team: she has succeeded in getting five people on board who are or were affected by cancer themselves. »It’s just a good thing,« she says. She is not only thinking of the exercise and nutrition programs of the »National Center for Tumor Diseases Dresden« (NCT/UCC) for which she would like to »raise donations« with conviction but also of the sense of community that can be felt during the training sessions and the regatta. On the water, each team member can show that they are going their own way and are still ready to take on new challenges despite the serious illness. Most of the »Team Barbara« members are committed to ensuring that others affected by cancer are not left alone with their disease. They have initiated self-help groups or, like Barbara Hauptmann, are active in the patient advisory board to give other affected people a voice to the NCT/UCC team.0
The patient advisory board of the NCT/UCC represents a special concern of Dresden University Medicine. As a top location for cancer medicine in Germany, it is an important goal to transfer progress in medicine as quickly and directly as possible into patient care. However, it is very important not only to be aware of the patients‹ concerns but also to take them into account in direct cooperation in the day-to-day running of the clinic,« says Prof. Michael Albrecht, medical director of the University Hospital: »How sustainable and mutually acceptable these relationships have developed can not only be seen in the remarkable number of people involved in the advisory board. For me, taking the risk of getting into such a boat and rowing on the Elbe for »Rowing against Cancer« is also a sign of the close and good ties between patients and the hospital.«
»We very much hope that the Dresden charity regatta will be able to continue the success of the first nine regattas after the two-year forced break due to the covid 19 pandemic. The positive balance also includes continuing to collect as many donations that all projects can be continued. Each of these is so important for patients because it shows them ways of coping physically and mentally with the serious illness during and after cancer therapy,« says Frank Ohi, Commercial Director of Dresden University Hospital: »Many concepts developed and established here for improving general health and quality of life are currently not yet financed by health insurance companies. All sponsors as well as donors make an important contribution here. Without them and the charity regatta many of these offers would not exist.«
Counseling for male urinary incontinence provides a better quality of life
One of the newly developed projects at the University Hospital for an improved quality of life has been launched by the team of the Clinic for Urology led by Clinic Director Prof. Christian Thomas. With an amount from the proceeds of previous regattas, the clinic organizes a patient seminar for men with urinary incontinence – especially stress incontinence. Although incontinence is primarily associated with women, it can also affect men – especially among those who have undergone radical prostatectomy due to cancer. And they in particular are undersupplied with this symptomatology for a variety of reasons. Causes are, on the one hand, the shame of those affected to talk about it and, on the other hand, a lack of information about suitable aids and therapies. The uncontrolled loss of urine in everyday life means a significant loss of quality of life for the men affected. With the financial support from the proceeds of the charity regatta, the Clinic for Urology of the Dresden University Hospital is now counteracting this with a new project. Thanks to the financial support of the »Living with Cancer« Foundation, PD Dr. Martin Baunacke developed the project »ProKontinenz – treatment offers against and living with unwanted urine loss after total removal of the prostate due to prostate cancer«. The project will start at the end of September with the first ProKontinenz patient seminar. In this context, participants are informed about urinary incontinence, aids and therapy options. In addition, the men have the opportunity to exchange ideas with other people affected and to try out various aids in concrete everyday situations.
2019- charity regatta with record donations
A total of almost 240,000 euros have been raised at the Dresden rowing regattas since 2011. The last edition of »Rowing Against Cancer« in Dresden in 2019 raised 50,000 euros for cancer patients in the region – the highest amount raised in Dresden to date. The foundation »Living with Cancer« currently uses the donations to finance seven projects in Dresden, from which patients from the Dresden region benefit during and after cancer therapy. The goals of the projects are better personal coping with tumor diseases and an increase in quality of life, in addition to the project of the Clinic for Urology, for example through targeted exercise and nutritional therapy. »Of course we are hoping for a large amount of donations this year and for many people to visit and support us at the regatta on September 24th. It is great that so many Dresdeners follow our cause and want to be part of it,« says Prof. Michael Albrecht, Medical Director of the University Hospital. »As a top location for cancer medicine in Germany, we are very concerned about supporting cancer patients outside the hospital.«
These projects are made possible by »Rowing against Cancer«:
Project UroAquaFit: Aqua gymnastics for patients with bladder carcinoma after cystectomy with creation of a urostoma
Yoga classes for breast cancer patients and patients with other types of cancer (UKD Women’s Center/Physiotherapy)
Nutrition program: special nutrition and cooking classes for cancer patients
Exercise program: for oncology patients in treatment as well as in aftercare
Project SynErFit: Nutritional monitoring and improvement of physical fitness through training as supportive measures before and during radiotherapy and chemotherapy
Project »ProKontinenz«: Treatment offers against and living with unwanted urine loss after total removal of the prostate due to prostate cancer
Riding therapy for children with oncological disease
This is a press release from: University Hospital Carl Gustav Carus Dresden