News : 500 interested people at the second job fair for Ukrainian refugees at the WTC

Infostand der DIU
The second job fair for Ukrainian refugees, organized by the Office for Economic Development of the City of Dresden in close cooperation with the Dresden Employment Agency was actively supported by TUDIAS and the Dresden International University (DIU). Ukrainian refugees and exhibitors were welcomed at the WTC and, in addition to the many opportunities for conversation, physical well-being was also provided.

Today on wed­nes­day, Sep­tem­ber 7, 2022 the second job fair for ukrai­nian refu­gees was again well atten­ded . At least 500 inte­res­ted peo­ple gathe­red in the foyer of the World Trade Cen­ter over the mor­ning to exch­ange ideas with HR mana­gers from 35 com­pa­nies and insti­tu­ti­ons. 20 inter­pre­ters pro­vi­ded support.

Social Mayor Dr. Kris­tin Klau­dia Kauf­mann: »Refu­gees should not only feel safe but also wel­come in Dres­den. A job or qua­li­fi­ca­tion can help to make good use of the stay in Ger­many despite all the stress and uncer­tainty. We had good expe­ri­en­ces with the first job fair in May 2022 and as such both refu­gees and employ­ers wan­ted to do it again.«

Some of the exhi­bi­tors from the first round have been able to con­clude seve­ral employ­ment con­tracts and are alre­ady par­ti­ci­pa­ting for the second time. Over­all, all the trade, indus­trial and ser­vice com­pa­nies invol­ved were satis­fied with the course of the day. Kat­rin Meu­sin­ger,  con­sul­tant for skil­led workers at the »Sili­con Sax­ony« asso­cia­tion: »Sax­ony’s high-tech land­scape offers a wide range of exci­ting job pro­s­pects. We atten­ded the job fair for refu­gees for the second time in order to pro­mote pro­files par­ti­cu­larly sought after by our more than 400 mem­ber com­pa­nies and to give inte­res­ted par­ties an under­stan­ding of the indus­tries we represent.«

The event was orga­ni­zed by the Office for Eco­no­mic Deve­lo­p­ment of the City of Dres­den in close coope­ra­tion with the Dres­den Employ­ment Agency. Sup­port­ers include the »Ukraine-Hilfe« net­work, the »TUDIAS« lan­guage school, Dres­den Inter­na­tio­nal Uni­ver­sity, the »intap« Net­work and the »IQ« network.


This is a press release from: City of Dresden