News : Exciting impressions at the university information day at DIU

Infostand im Atrium der DIU
We would like to thank you for the lively interest in the Dresden International University (DIU) University Information Day on January 11, 2024. On this day, we opened our doors to give an insight into our health science degree programs and the DIU premises.

It was a plea­sure to wel­come high school gra­dua­tes, stu­dents, tea­chers and all inte­res­ted par­ties to our cam­pus. Our dedi­ca­ted team was on hand to pro­vide infor­ma­tion about Bachelor’s degree pro­grams in health­care such as nur­sing, phy­sio­the­rapy, chi­ro­prac­tic, osteo­pa­thy, mid­wi­fery and paramedicine.

The lec­ture »Evi­dence or emi­nence? Myths in Emer­gency Medi­cine« by Peter Lorenz (lec­tu­rer in the Emer­gency Para­me­dic B. Sc. pro­gram) was well atten­ded and enjoyed lively inte­rest from all guests at the DIU campus.

In addi­tion to stu­dy­ing at DIU, there were also some peo­ple inte­res­ted in our fur­ther edu­ca­tion course »Rhe­to­ric, Con­ver­sa­tion Skills and Crea­tive Writing«.

We were also able to pro­vide com­pre­hen­sive advice to those inte­res­ted in our part-time Master’s degree pro­grams in the fields of health, manage­ment, medi­cine or engineering.

We were deligh­ted to wel­come you to the Uni­ver­sity Infor­ma­tion Day. Our Study Advi­sory Team will be happy to ans­wer any fur­ther ques­ti­ons you may have.