News : New Work for Large-Scale Project

time lapse photography of train
DB uses innovative contract model for the first time at the new Cottbus plant

For the first time, Deut­sche Bahn (DB) is using a com­ple­tely new con­tract model for a major pro­ject. The new ICE main­ten­ance plant in Cott­bus will be built by 2026 accor­ding to the inno­va­tive »rail part­ner­ship model«. The aim is to ensure that a mutually agreed dead­line and cost frame­work is met, with all par­ties invol­ved working much more clo­sely tog­e­ther. work tog­e­ther and be invol­ved much ear­lier than usual.

More about the pro­ject and the sig­ning of the contract