News : GWT supports the Business Initiative for a Cosmopolitan Saxony

GWT stands for diversity and openness to the world in business

GWT has joi­ned the busi­ness net­work Wirt­schaft für ein welt­of­fe­nes Sach­sen e.V. (Busi­ness for an open-min­ded Saxony).
On a natio­nal average, Sax­ony ranks third in terms of eco­no­mic growth – a suc­cess that has been achie­ved in part through the expan­sion of the local auto­mo­tive and semi­con­duc­tor indus­tries and has resul­ted in the state having the hig­hest job den­sity in eas­tern Germany.
A loca­tion deve­lo­p­ment that is cha­rac­te­ri­zed above all by the coope­ra­tion of skil­led workers from a wide range of nations.
In order for this suc­cess to con­ti­nue, initia­ti­ves are nee­ded to draw atten­tion to diver­sity and a wel­co­ming culture.
For GWT, it was the­r­e­fore a mat­ter of course to join the wel­co­ming Sax­ony cor­po­rate network.
This under­pins GWT’s clear com­mit­ment to cos­mo­po­li­ta­nism and inter­na­tio­na­lity, par­ti­cu­larly in the busi­ness world.