News : GWT receives kununu Top Company Seal 2024

With an independent rating of 4.2 points from employees, GWT joins the list of very highly rated employer profiles.

The GWT manage­ment was deligh­ted to receive the TOP Com­pany 2024 seal from kun­unu. The TOP Com­pany award is pre­sen­ted to employ­ers with par­ti­cu­larly good ratings on kun­unu. The award is based on the inde­pen­dent ratings of employees on the plat­form. Only around 5% of all com­pa­nies are awarded the seal each year. »I am deligh­ted that the reco­gni­tion and app­re­cia­tion we show our employees at GWT is beco­ming even more visi­ble to the out­side world,« says Mana­ging Direc­tor Prof. Dr. med. habil. Jac­ques Roh­ayem. »This is pri­ma­rily a result of the initia­ti­ves and mea­su­res taken over the past three years, which have crea­ted an even more attrac­tive, trans­pa­rent and moti­vat­ing working envi­ron­ment. It also reflects the high stan­dards we set for our cor­po­rate cul­ture. Many thanks to ever­yone who has con­tri­bu­ted to this process.«