News : 28 years of knowledge and technology transfer

GWT celebrates its 28th anniversary.

Last week’s 8 August was a his­to­ric date: on 8 August 1989, the Euro­pean Space Agency (ESA) laun­ched the Hip­p­ar­cos satel­lite, which went down in the history of astro­nomy as an important mission.
Its aim was to mea­sure the posi­ti­ons, distances and move­ments of over 100,000 stars with unpre­ce­den­ted accu­racy and, despite tech­ni­cal dif­fi­cul­ties, deli­vered the first high-pre­cis­ion star cata­log, which laid the foun­da­tion for many other astro­no­mical studies.
The GWT was also foun­ded exactly 28 years ago on August 8th.
Since its begin­nings, it can look back on a great suc­cess story: with solu­tion-ori­en­ted ser­vices, it has focu­sed on sup­port­ing and advi­sing rese­ar­chers, sci­en­tists and foun­ders since its foundation.
Thanks to the com­mit­ment of a dedi­ca­ted and pas­sio­nate team, the latest know­ledge has been trans­la­ted into state-of-the-art tech­no­lo­gies and the­ra­pies in num­e­rous trans­fer projects.
This is also the case, for exam­ple, at the Space Sys­tems Inno­va­tion Center.
Here, it sup­ports rese­arch into inno­va­tive pro­pul­sion con­cepts to pave the way to the stars.