News : From Philosophy to Organizational Ethics to Diversity and Global Health

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The master's degree in ethics in medical care started for the first time on November 14th, 2022.

At the start of the first regis­ter, 15 peo­ple from the fields of medi­cine, nur­sing, theo­logy and the huma­ni­ties gathe­red tog­e­ther to study the ques­ti­ons of ethics in medi­cal care tog­e­ther with the lec­tu­r­ers and under the sci­en­ti­fic manage­ment of Prof. Dr. Flo­rian Steger.

It starts with the basics of phi­lo­so­phy, theo­logy, medi­cal and nur­sing ethics, fol­lo­wed by inten­sive cour­ses in manage­ment, human resource manage­ment, adult edu­ca­tion, con­flict manage­ment and orga­niza­tio­nal ethics. Legal issues com­prise ano­ther module and spe­ci­fic fields of appli­ca­tion of cli­ni­cal ethics are explo­red in grea­ter depth later in the course. After loo­king at stages of life, topics include long-term care, hospice care, psych­ia­try and public health.

An entire module is devo­ted to digi­ta­liza­tion and the diverse issues that arise here. The module »Glo­bal Health and Diver­sity in Health Care« is not less comprehensive.


For the com­plete news story, visit DIU.


More about the degree pro­gram Ethics in Medi­cal Care (M.A./CAS).
Cont­act: Petra Perica