News : TOGETHER FOR DEMOCRACY – Dresden Science and Culture invites you to attend

Grafik zur Demonstration
TU Dresden AG supports the #GemeinsamFürDemokratie event. As TUDAG, we are clearly committed to the principles of the rule of law, freedom and democracy.

Tog­e­ther with Dresden’s sci­en­ti­fic and cul­tu­ral insti­tu­ti­ons, under the umbrella of DRES­DEN-con­cept e. V. and the alli­ance #WOD Welt­of­fe­nes Dres­den, we invite you to par­ti­ci­pate in the Fes­ti­val of Demo­cracy on May 25, 2024 on Dresden’s Altmarkt.

Tog­e­ther, we want to send a clear signal for demo­cracy and our fun­da­men­tal rights: The dignity of every human being is inviolable and the voices of mino­ri­ties are heard. We take these things for gran­ted, but they are incre­asingly under threat. We want to pro­tect these fun­da­men­tal values of our demo­cra­tic and open society tog­e­ther. The free­dom of sci­ence and art is fun­da­men­tal for a society that wants to over­come the great chal­lenges of our time.

Get invol­ved with us for demo­cracy! Start­ing at 2 p.m., seve­ral groups will move to the Alt­markt in four pro­ces­si­ons. There will be a stage pro­gram with spee­ches and musi­cal con­tri­bu­ti­ons. We would like to faci­li­tate encoun­ters and dis­cus­sions on the square with stands and various sci­en­ti­fic and artis­tic exch­ange for­mats. Tell us about your expe­ri­en­ces. Ever­yone is wel­come to join us in working for democracy.

Date: Satur­day, May 25, 2024

Star train 1: Fritz-Förs­ter-Platz, mee­ting at 13:30, start at 14:00
Stern­zug 2: Sach­sen­platz, mee­ting at 13:30, start at 14:00
Star train 3: Albert­platz, mee­ting at 13:30, start at 14:00
Stern­zug 4: Wet­ti­ner Platz, mee­ting from 13:30, start 14:00
Clo­sing event: Alt­markt, 15:00 to 18:00


You can find more infor­ma­tion at here.