News : Onboarding Campus India

Informationsstand mit Stehtisch zum Onbarding Campus
GWT used the IEEE 6G Summit for the first presentation of the Onboarding Campus India in the industrial environment.

From the 13. to 14. May the IEEE 6G Sum­mit 2024 took place in Dres­den. The 6th gene­ra­tion of the mobile com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons stan­dard pro­vi­des new appli­ca­ti­ons for cyber-phy­si­cal sys­tems of Indus­try 4.0, for auto­ma­ted dri­ving, for use in the new eco-sys­tem of indi­vi­dual air traf­fic and pre­cis­ion agri­cul­ture, among others.

This was pre­cis­ely the topic at the IEEE 6G Sum­mit. The event fea­tured insightful pre­sen­ta­ti­ons from glo­bal experts and for­ward-thin­king indus­try lea­ders, as well as an exhi­bi­tion with uni­que demonstrations.

GWT pre­sen­ted its­elf for the first time with the new Onboar­ding Cam­pus India pro­ject – an initia­tive that allows com­pa­nies to spe­ci­fi­cally sup­port Indian stu­dents with scho­lar­ships and thus secure the next gene­ra­tion of skil­led workers in the medium term. The dis­cus­sions held will now be used to tailor the offer spe­ci­fi­cally to the needs of scho­lar­ship pro­vi­ders and scho­lar­ship recipients.

Fur­ther infor­ma­tion on the Onboar­ding Cam­pus.