News : 20 years TUDAG

20 years of TUDAG - the new board members Werner, Müller-Steinhagen and Rohayem
TUDAG has existed for two decades with the aim of promoting the transfer of knowledge and technology to industry. On Sachsen-TV, the new board members talk about the future of Dresden's successful model.

Foun­ded in 2000, TU Dres­den Akti­en­ge­sell­schaft is decisi­vely important for the trans­fer of know­ledge and tech­no­logy from TU Dres­den to indus­try. It is the most exten­sive explo­ita­tion com­pany of a uni­ver­sity in Ger­many and has deve­lo­ped over the past 20 years into a group of com­pa­nies ope­ra­ting far bey­ond the bor­ders of Saxony.

»The foun­da­tion of the TU Dres­den Akti­en­ge­sell­schaft (TUDAG) was really a bril­li­ant move!«, Sax­ony’s Prime Minis­ter Michael Kret­schmer ack­now­led­ges the suc­cess story. »As a result, the TU Dres­den has suc­cee­ded in num­e­rous spin-offs, start-ups, to bring the good fin­dings quickly into the mar­ket and thus streng­then the busi­ness loca­tion Dres­den and Sax­ony. A heart­felt thank you for this to all those who have con­tri­bu­ted to the suc­cess story over the past 20 years.«

Under the umbrella of TUDAG, there are more than 30 com­pa­nies and com­pany hol­dings with a wide variety of pro­files – such as the Dres­den Inter­na­tio­nal Uni­ver­sity (DIU), the TU Dres­den Insti­tute of Advan­ced Stu­dies (TUDIAS), the Gesell­schaft für Wis­sens- und Tech­no­lo­gie­trans­fer (GWT), traf­fic acci­dent rese­arch (VUFO), the 5G Lab Ger­many, the auto­mo­tive sec­tor with AMFD and IAM, and hol­dings in com­pa­nies such as Helia­tek, CARBOCON, SENORICS and others. While the DIU covers the broad field of fur­ther edu­ca­tion and trai­ning inclu­ding inter­na­tio­nal cour­ses of study, the GWT stands above all for paving the way for sci­en­ti­fic fin­dings and inno­va­tions to be applied in practice.

What all TUDAG com­pa­nies have in com­mon is that they ope­rate clo­sely in the mar­ket, ensure that know­ledge and inven­ti­ons are quickly put into prac­tice, and that pro­fits ulti­m­ately flow back to the TU Dres­den via the Society of Fri­ends and Sup­port­ers. In short, know-how from TU Dres­den is mar­ke­ted via TUDAG in such a way that the pro­fits bene­fit the uni­ver­sity. A suc­cessful cycle that is uni­que in this form nationwide.

There were chan­ges in manage­ment in Octo­ber 2020, when the three new mem­bers of the Exe­cu­tive Board, Prof. Hans Mül­ler-Stein­ha­gen, Prof. Jac­ques Roh­ayem and Udo Wer­ner, took up their posi­ti­ons. On Janu­ary 8, 2021, they will have been in office for exactly 100 days, and to mark the occa­sion they will be taking ques­ti­ons from Dres­den-Fern­se­hen in a round­ta­ble dis­cus­sion tog­e­ther with the cur­rent board mem­ber Ulrich Ass­mann. The suc­ces­ses of the past as well as stra­tegy, goals and visi­ons for the coming years are discussed.

Source: Saach­sen TV – Janu­ary 2021