News : King’s College London and TU Dresden celebrate 10th anniversary of transCampus

The university partnership between London and Dresden has been co-financed by GWT-TUD GmbH since its inception. Now this cooperation celebrates its first milestone birthday.

On Febru­ary 13, the anni­ver­sary event of the 10-year trans­Cam­pus part­ner­ship bet­ween TU Dres­den and Kin­g’s Col­lege in Lon­don took place. Tog­e­ther with high-ran­king guests such as the Prime Minis­ter of Sax­ony, Michael Kret­schmer, and the Dean of the trans­Cam­pus, Prof. Dr. Born­stein, who is also the GWT pro­ject lea­der, the GWT was able to attend the ceremony.
The part­ner­ship bet­ween the two top uni­ver­si­ties aims to imple­ment bene­fi­cial rese­arch pro­jects to address glo­bal chal­lenges of our time.
GWT is proud to sup­port this sci­en­ti­fic coope­ra­tion finan­ci­ally since the beginning.
Fur­ther infor­ma­tion here (PDF).