News : GWT was at the anniversary founders‹ foyer #50

The anniversary founders' foyer: a night full of inspiration and innovation!

On Novem­ber 15, 2023, the lec­ture hall cen­ter of TU Dres­den ope­ned its doors for the 50th edi­tion of the Foun­ders‹ Foyer. An evening that offe­red an impres­sive jour­ney through suc­cess sto­ries and visio­nary ideas, such as those of the start-ups ALLPACKA, DreamT­ime VR, Powe­rOn and Speech­mind. The abso­lute high­light of the evening was the key­note speech by Nic Lecloux, co-foun­der of True Fruits, who inspi­red the audi­ence with his very per­so­nal start-up story.
GWT is proud to have been part of this event. At the Start-Up Mile, visi­tors had the oppor­tu­nity to talk to us about spin-offs and the sup­port pro­vi­ded by our Start-Up Back Office.
A big thank you to ever­yone invol­ved for making this inspi­ring night possible!