News : GWT sponsors the TUD kick-off party for freshmen WS 2023/​2024

Bildkollage vom TUD Campusfest
The starting signal for a new phase of life: many students begin their studies at the TU Dresden.

This spe­cial moment was cele­bra­ted during the matri­cu­la­tion cerem­ony and the sub­se­quent cam­pus party on the open space behind the lec­ture hall center.

In addi­tion to enjoy­ing a musi­cal and dance stage pro­gram, fresh­men were able to visit various booths and tents to learn about stu­dent pro­jects and initia­ti­ves, such as the Elb­flo­r­ace race car design project.
They were also invol­ved in buil­ding woo­den stools as part of the Inter­na­tio­nal Cam­pus Team’s »Create Com­mon Spaces« initiative.

The GWT, which accom­pa­nied the event again as a main spon­sor, was very plea­sed to pre­sent the inno­va­tive pro­duct of the startup ALLPACKA: a resi­li­ent and fle­xi­ble bicy­cle box, com­pa­ti­ble for various bicy­cle bags and rack systems.
The team around Lukas Lud­wig is still loo­king for pro­duct tes­ters and also sup­port­ers who want to sup­port the fri­endly deve­lo­per team on their way to mar­ket launch: