On 06. and 07. July 2023 the 26th symposium »Utilization of renewable resources – Biomass to Power and Heat« took place in Zittau. The program committee, with representatives from public institutions, research institutes and universities in Saxony, Thuringia and Brandenburg, addressed the following questions, among others:
Does wood as a raw material fit in with municipal heating planning? Can the use of biomass for energy be environmentally compatible and sustainable? What are the challenges and opportunities of switching from fossil fuels to biomass in energy supply?
An energy supply that meets demand is the prerequisite for any economic system. Environmental compatibility and economic efficiency of the energy supply must be given. With the modernization of the energy supply, greenhouse gas emissions and the consumption of fossil resources are to be reduced. In this context, bioenergy will play an increasingly important role due to its broad range of applications, its climate friendliness and, above all, its good storage capacity.