News : 2nd place at the founder award for Credoxys

Urkunde 2. Platz für Credoxys
The Dresden-based company Credoxys GmbH achieved second place in the Saxon Founders' Prize 2023.

The Saxon Foun­ders Award is loo­king for inno­va­tive busi­ness ideas and start-up con­cepts, regard­less of whe­ther these ideas have alre­ady been imple­men­ted on the mar­ket or are still being rea­li­zed. The focus is on novelty, cus­to­mer bene­fit and mar­ket poten­tial. CREDOXYS scored with redox tech­no­lo­gies for orga­nic elec­tro­nics as well as rene­wa­ble ener­gies. The inno­va­tive mate­ri­als ensure that the com­pon­ents are more energy-effi­ci­ent and dura­ble. Both estab­lished appli­ca­ti­ons such as OLEDs and inno­va­tions such as orga­nic pho­to­vol­taics bene­fit from novel clas­ses of mate­ri­als that can be tail­o­red to cus­to­mer needs.

You can find the nomi­nee por­trait at Youtube.