News : »What ferments for a long time becomes good!« – Lohrmanns Brauerei-Gastro opens at Kraftwerk Mitte.

Kuechenchef Sasch Denninger mit einem Burger
Behind the listed brick walls of the Lichtwerk at Kraftwerk Mitte Dresden, things have been bubbling away since April 17. Lohrmanns Brew is the first brewery in Germany to be founded as an independent company out of a university and has now opened its first brewery-restaurant.

»After ori­gi­nally plan­ning to open in spring and then in fall 2023, the time has finally come. We have ful­fil­led our dream of ope­ning our own bre­wery and restau­rant in the heart of Dres­den, in this uni­que artis­tic, cul­tu­ral and crea­tive loca­tion. A real feat of strength,« reports Fran­cisco Arroyo, Mana­ging Direc­tor of Lohr­manns Braue­rei GmbH.

»We had to over­come a few hurd­les. First, corona, then the war in Ukraine rui­ned our sup­ply chains and the­r­e­fore our sche­du­les. Finally, there was a mas­sive con­s­truc­tion delay. We have repea­tedly encoun­te­red unfo­re­seen obs­ta­cles that have hin­de­red the com­ple­tion of con­s­truc­tion work. The reasons for the delays were often bey­ond our direct con­trol. This was frus­t­ra­ting at times. We are all the hap­pier and more gra­teful to our loyal fans and the Lohr­manns family for their enorm­ous under­stan­ding and patience.«


As a TU Dres­den start-up and foun­ding pro­ject of Pro­fes­sors Jan J. Weig­and (Pro­fes­sor of Inor­ga­nic Mole­cu­lar Che­mis­try) and Tho­mas Henle (Pro­fes­sor of Food Che­mis­try), the bre­wery’s beers are the excel­lent result of sci­en­ti­fic hop, malt and yeast rese­arch. The motto »Bre­wed under super­vi­sion« reflects the sci­en­ti­fic qua­lity stan­dards and the close con­nec­tion to rese­arch and tea­ching at the Uni­ver­sity of Excel­lence TU Dres­den. At the same time, it is the uni­que sel­ling point among all Ger­man bre­we­ries. The sci­en­ti­fic back­ground of the Lohr­manns brand com­bi­ned with pro­duct deve­lo­p­ment and qua­lity con­trol in the rese­arch bre­wery at the TU Dres­den are unique.

Since its foun­da­tion in 2019, around 3500 hl have been con­tract-bre­wed and a tur­no­ver of around €806 thousand has been achie­ved. Lohr­manns is now available at over 85 loca­ti­ons in the Dres­den area and bey­ond. »There will be no run-of-the-mill Pils­ner or bor­ing stan­dard beers here. Beer variety at Lohr­manns is not just a sel­ec­tion – every sin­gle Lohr­manns beer will greet guests‹ taste buds with an explo­sion of fla­vor,« says mas­ter bre­wer Gre­gor Rei­chardt. There will be up to 14 taps in the Kraft­werk Mitte restau­rant, offe­ring a con­stantly chan­ging range of beers from clas­sics such as Wei­zen or Märzen to modern crea­ti­ons such as New Eng­land IPA or NEIPA. Every recipe is accu­ra­tely and pre­cis­ely tes­ted by che­mists. It is important to Lohr­manns that only the best ingre­di­ents go into the beer. This invol­ves a lot of test­ing and tasting. Regio­nal raw mate­ri­als are also used. As far as hops are con­cer­ned, the bre­wery relies pri­ma­rily on the green gold of the Elbe-Saale gro­wing region. Mal­ting bar­ley is curr­ently sourced from all over Ger­many. In the medium term, regio­nal sup­pli­ers are also to be found here.

Up to 9 dou­ble brews per month can be bre­wed in the 10 hL bre­w­house and the fer­men­ta­tion and sto­rage tanks in the cel­lar. In addi­tion to their own hop crea­ti­ons, Lohr­manns atta­ches great importance to exchan­ging ideas with other bre­we­ries. The first col­la­bo­ra­tion brew, an Oat­meal Stout, which is alre­ady available from Hahn, was crea­ted in col­la­bo­ra­tion with Brau­haus Rade­beul. In future, Lohr­man­n’s bre­wers Gre­gor Rei­chardt and Lutz Neu­mann want to meet regu­larly with bre­wer fri­ends at the bre­w­house. »There are also so many beers from other bre­we­ries that are worth tasting, which is why we regu­larly take chan­ging guest beers from bre­wery fri­ends on tap,« empha­si­zes Gre­gor Reichardt.



Not so long ago, every town and vil­lage had its own bre­wery. A diver­sity that is almost uni­ma­gi­nable by today’s stan­dards. Lohr­manns in Kraft­werk Mitte con­ti­nues this tra­di­tion. In the heart of Dres­den, the young com­pany wants to revo­lu­tio­nize beer cul­ture and tra­di­tio­nal bre­wery cui­sine at the same time.
»Lohr­manns com­bi­nes the craft of bre­wing with the art of coo­king. Beer always takes cen­ter stage. We create dis­hes to go with the beers from the tap that per­fectly com­ple­ment the nuan­ces and spe­cial­ties of our beers. We recom­mend the right dish for every beer and serve the per­fect beer for every dish. For exam­ple, we com­bine our balan­ced malty Hel­les with the deli­cate spi­ci­ness of the beef tar­tare and to round off the menu with a deli­cious home­made brow­nie, we serve you an Oat­meal Stout with strong cho­co­late and cof­fee notes,« says head chef Sascha Denninger.

Around 130 guests can expe­ri­ence the love of beer and bre­wing up close with a freshly tap­ped Lohr­manns in the indoor area and around 100 in the out­door area. The bre­wery gas­tro is open from Wed­nes­day to Sun­day from 11:30 am to 11 pm. The beer gar­den is open bet­ween April and October.

»Once we have sett­led in, we will offer small and large beer tastings with a multi-course menu and beer semi­nars under pro­fes­sio­nal gui­dance. Of course, there will also be bre­wery tours,« says Fran­cisco Arroyo. »And we are also buil­ding a bridge to sci­ence and giving it a stage at Lohr­manns. Under the title »Lohr­manns meets Sci­ence«, the bre­wery will pro­vide a plat­form for public lec­tures and dis­cus­sions on cur­rent sci­en­ti­fic topics, the pre­sen­ta­tion of new start-ups and inter­na­tio­nal encoun­ters. There are no bor­ders for bre­wing cul­ture and sci­ence: This place is Lohr­manns‹ con­tri­bu­tion to a cos­mo­po­li­tan, colorful and mul­ti­cul­tu­ral Dresden.«


To the Lohr­manns website