News : Become part of Lohrmanns at Seedmatch now

3 Flaschen Lohrmanns Bier
Lohrmanns Brew is the first university brewery in Germany. The beers are the excellent result of brewing science. At Seedmatch you can now become part of the success story.

Lohr­manns Brew – Germany’s first spin-off uni­ver­sity bre­wery – deve­lo­ped with pas­sion during a bre­wing intern­ship at the TU Dres­den, is the result of a pro­ject that has rea­ched mar­ket matu­rity. In the mean­time, two extra­or­di­nary beers have been crea­ted- Lohr­manns Pils and Lohr­manns Hell – with uni­ver­sity depth and aca­de­mic ori­gi­nal wort, which are now sold or ser­ved at over 85 loca­ti­ons in the Dres­den area.

The team con­sists of aca­de­mics and beer lovers with excel­lent pala­tes and first-class beer know-how. Pro­fes­sors from the TU Dres­den and young sci­en­tists who are enthu­si­a­stic about beer take care of taking the vision and the beer from the bre­wing kett­les out into the world. All dri­ven by the fasci­na­tion of get­ting the best out of four ingredients.

The mis­sion: Pro­duce Lohrmann’s Brew in the heart of Dres­den – at Kraft­werk Mitte – start sel­ling directly from the bar­rel and share the love for beer and bre­wing with our guests in our own bre­wery restaurant.

The way: Crowd­in­ves­t­ing at Seed­match.