Lohrmanns Brew – Germany’s first spin-off university brewery – developed with passion during a brewing internship at the TU Dresden, is the result of a project that has reached market maturity. In the meantime, two extraordinary beers have been created- Lohrmanns Pils and Lohrmanns Hell – with university depth and academic original wort, which are now sold or served at over 85 locations in the Dresden area.
The team consists of academics and beer lovers with excellent palates and first-class beer know-how. Professors from the TU Dresden and young scientists who are enthusiastic about beer take care of taking the vision and the beer from the brewing kettles out into the world. All driven by the fascination of getting the best out of four ingredients.
The mission: Produce Lohrmann’s Brew in the heart of Dresden – at Kraftwerk Mitte – start selling directly from the barrel and share the love for beer and brewing with our guests in our own brewery restaurant.
The way: Crowdinvesting at Seedmatch.