News : Flexora: Printed sensor films for the energy transition

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Printed sensor films for the energy transition and industrial applications of tomorrow: TGFS acquires stake in Flexora GmbH

TGFS Tech­no­lo­gie­grün­der­fonds Sach­sen, tog­e­ther with TUDAG and ano­ther pri­vate inves­tor, is inves­t­ing a seven-figure sum in Flex­ora GmbH as part of seed finan­cing. The Dres­den-based sen­sor tech­no­logy start-up uses orga­nic elec­tro­nics and an inno­va­tive prin­ting pro­cess to apply a large num­ber of sen­sors and eva­lua­tion elec­tro­nics to fle­xi­ble films. Flex­ora thus redu­ces the instal­la­tion and inte­gra­tion effort for sen­sor tech­no­logy to a mini­mum and enables area-based data acqui­si­tion. The invest­ment will now be used to build up pro­duc­tion capa­ci­ties and fur­ther deve­lop the company. 

Dresden/​Leipzig, Novem­ber 12, 2024: TGFS Tech­no­lo­gie­grün­der­fonds Sach­sen is inves­t­ing in Flex­ora GmbH tog­e­ther with TUDAG and ano­ther pri­vate inves­tor. Flex­ora is a spin-off from the Tech­ni­cal Uni­ver­sity of Dres­den (Insti­tute of Applied Phy­sics). The start-up deve­lops sen­sors prin­ted on fle­xi­ble film, which are inex­pen­sive to pro­duce and easy to install. These enable area-based sen­sor tech­no­logy with real-time data ana­ly­sis to improve sys­tems and pro­ces­ses as well as other inno­va­tive appli­ca­ti­ons. The com­pany was foun­ded as a spin-off in 2022 by Dr. Michael Sawatzki-Park (CTO), Cle-mens Haist (CEO), Dr. David Kneppe (Head of Pro­duc­tion) and Kivanc Ara­rat (Head of Engi­nee­ring) with the par­ti­ci­pa­tion of Insti­tute Direc­tor Prof. Dr. Karl Leo. The aim of the inter­na­tio­nal and inter­di­sci­pli­nary foun­ding team is to use Flex­ora to enable data to be coll­ec­ted easily and cost-effec­tively across large areas. The cus­to­mers are manu­fac­tu­r­ers and ope­ra­tors of lar­ger plants in the field of energy and pro­cess tech­no­logy. With the data pro­vi­ded by Flex­ora, the sys­tems and asso­cia­ted pro­ces­ses can be bet­ter con­trol­led, ther­eby incre­asing resource effi­ci­ency. CTO Dr. Michael Sawatzki-Park explains: »We solve the pro­blem of the low avai­la­bi­lity of sen­sor data over large areas with the help of a sen­sor film that con­ta­ins a large num­ber of prin­ted sen­sors and can be stuck onto almost any sur­face like a second skin. Once atta­ched, various para­me­ters such as tem­pe­ra­ture, pres­sure or damage can be moni­to­red in real time and over large areas. With the help of a handy eva­lua­tion box, the func­tion­a­li­ties of which will be inte­gra­ted into the film in the future, the data coll­ec­ted can also be trans­mit­ted wire­lessly over long distances.« The sen­sor skin tech­no­logy its­elf is based on a com­bi­na­tion of spe­ci­ally deve­lo­ped sen­sors with orga­nic thin-film elec­tro­nics. This tech­no­logy can be pro­du­ced par­ti­cu­larly cost-effec­tively using an addi­tive manu­fac­tu­ring method in a roll-to-roll pro­cess. The lower mate­rial and energy con­sump­tion results in cost bene­fits and a bet­ter CO2 balance com­pared to con­ven­tio­nal sen­sor tech­no­logy. Tog­e­ther with TUDAG and ano­ther pri­vate inves­tor, TGFS is inves­t­ing a seven-figure sum in the com­pany. The funds from the seed round will be used to build up pro­duc­tion capa­city at the Dres­den site and for gene­ral com­pany deve­lo­p­ment. Sören Schus­ter, Mana­ging Direc­tor of TGFS, on the cur­rent tran­sac­tion: »The data on sys­tems and pro­ces­ses used in the indus­trial envi­ron­ment is lar­gely gene­ra­ted by phy­si­cal sen­sors. Howe­ver, the sen­sor solu­ti­ons available on the mar­ket are only desi­gned to cover a few and locally limi­ted mea­su­ring points. Low fle­xi­bi­lity, cabling and designs that are dif­fi­cult to inte­grate are chal­len­ging. This is where Flex­ora’s fle­xi­ble sen­sor foils offer cus­to­mers real added value in the appli­ca­tion. The highly moti­va­ted foun­ding team cle­arly con­vin­ced us with their idea. We look for­ward to dri­ving deve­lo­p­ment for­ward together.« 


Fur­ther infor­ma­tion about Flex­ora can be found at Ever­y­thing about the TGFS Tech­no­lo­gie­grün­der­fonds Sach­sen can be found at