News : EIPOS Master’s graduate receives Dietmar Hosser Award

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The traditional Braunschweig Fire Protection Days took place for the 37th time in 2023. Since 2015, the Dietmar Hosser Award has also been presented at the event - this time for a female EIPOS graduate.

At the Braun­schweig Fire Pro­tec­tion Days on Sep­tem­ber 06–07, 2023, EIPOS Mas­ter’s gra­duate Linda Zau­per (second from right) was hono­red with the Diet­mar Hos­ser Award. With a lot of com­mit­ment, she dealt with the topic »Gree­ning in front of exte­rior wall clad­ding made of wood – inves­ti­ga­tion of the effects in case of fire« and was able to con­vince the jury with her mas­ter the­sis. Congratulations!

Appli­ca­ti­ons are alre­ady open for the next start of the part-time mas­ter’s pro­gram at EIPOS in Octo­ber 2024: