News : DIU is a new member of the hydrogen network HYPOS – Hydrogen Power Storage & Solutions e.V.

Symbolbild mit Windrad uns Wasserstofftank.
On joining the network, Prof. Dr. Hurtado, DIU President, gave insights into the goals and expectations of membership in an interview.

Since 01.04. DIU is a mem­ber of HYPOS Hydro­gen Power Sto­rage & Solu­ti­ons e.V., a net­work that has estab­lished its­elf as a pio­neer in the hydro­gen eco­nomy and has posi­tio­ned its­elf as the first point of cont­act for green hydro­gen in Cen­tral Germany.

»We have the expec­ta­tion of being your con­ti­nuing edu­ca­tion uni­ver­sity,« empha­si­zed Prof. Dr. Anto­nio Hur­tado, Pre­si­dent of DIU, in a recent inter­view with HYPOS. In view of the ongo­ing trans­for­ma­tion pro­cess in the energy sup­ply sec­tor, HYPOS mem­bers will bene­fit from the DIU’s extra-occu­pa­tio­nal pro­grams in the future.

»This includes, in par­ti­cu­lar, the Mas­ter’s degree course in Hydro­gen Tech­no­logy and Manage­ment and the asso­cia­ted cer­ti­fi­cate cour­ses, which deal spe­ci­fi­cally with mobi­lity, indus­try and buil­ding tech­no­logy,« explains Hurtado.

DIU’s mem­ber­ship of HYPOS opens up exci­ting oppor­tu­ni­ties for col­la­bo­ra­tion and know­ledge sha­ring. »From dis­cus­sions with HYPOS mem­bers from the fields of sci­ence, busi­ness and society, we hope to gain valuable impul­ses and needs that will lead to an opti­miza­tion of our tea­ching and edu­ca­tio­nal offers,« adds Hur­tado. »We look for­ward to accom­pany­ing you on your jour­ney to hydro­gen excellence.«

Tog­e­ther with HYPOS, the DIU team led by Daniela Palcu and Laura Byfut is plan­ning what oppor­tu­ni­ties and added value can be offe­red to Hypos members.

To Inter­view Prof. Dr. Anto­nio Hur­tado with Hypos.

Fur­ther infor­ma­tion on the DIU can be found at here.