News : Video review of the 25th EIPOS Expert Day Timber Construction & Wood Preservation

On June 30, 2022, EIPOS welcomed graduates, lecturers, speakers and exhibitors to the EIPOS Expert Day Timber Construction & Wood Preservation.

This time the anni­ver­sary bell rang! For the 25th time, EIPOS was plea­sed to wel­come gra­dua­tes, lec­tu­r­ers, spea­k­ers and exhi­bi­tors to the annual high­light of the EIPOS Expert Day Tim­ber Con­s­truc­tion & Wood Pro­tec­tion on June 30, 2022.

The result is a great video in coope­ra­tion with Gun­nar Bau­mann Medienproduktion:

EIPOS looks for­ward to see­ing you again in 2023!