News : Relaunch GWT-website: An upgrade for GWT digitization

The GWT-website is online. Have fun exploring!

GWT is plea­sed to intro­duce its brand new web­site relaunch! After months of hard work and plan­ning, the time has finally come – the web­site shi­nes in new sple­ndor and offers an even bet­ter online experience.
A cle­arly struc­tu­red navi­ga­tion, appe­al­ing video con­tent, more trans­pa­rency of the ser­vices of pro­ject lea­ders, a study desi­gner for cli­ni­cal stu­dies, fil­te­ring opti­ons via full text search are just a few points that GWT has implemented.

The new site is now »Live« and is also available to inter­na­tio­nal part­ners in English.
We hope our know­ledge car­ri­ers, cus­to­mers, part­ners and mul­ti­pli­ers enjoy explo­ring: http://www.g‑