News : GWT Summer Party 2023

GWT Summer Party 2023 at Carolaschlösschen, Dresden

On 27.06.2023, this year’s GWT sum­mer party took place in one of the most beau­tiful event loca­ti­ons in Dres­den, with sum­mer tem­pe­ra­tures, invi­ting dance music and fra­grant bar­be­cue buffet.
Held in a fes­tive set­ting, this pro­vi­ded the per­fect oppor­tu­nity to deepen exis­ting busi­ness rela­ti­onships and make new cont­acts. In infor­mal talks, past and cur­rent know­ledge and trans­fer pro­jects were dis­cus­sed, new ideas exch­an­ged and poten­tial col­la­bo­ra­ti­ons discussed.
Many thanks to all par­ti­ci­pants for the impulse-giving and inspi­ring discussions!