News : Anniversary: 20th matriculation EIPOS Master’s program »Preventive Fire Protection« started

A special day in the field of fire protection: The master's program "Preventive Fire Protection" has started for the 20th time!

Wel­come to EIPOS! A new phase in life began on Octo­ber 10, 2022 for 24 stu­dents from all over Ger­many, : They star­ted their part-time mas­ter’s degree in pre­ven­tive fire pro­tec­tion and will spend the next three years stu­dy­ing to become a »Mas­ter of Engineering«.


Stu­dies at EIPOS are sta­ring for the 20th time. Also in this year the course is almost fully booked.


Good luck, enjoy lear­ning and have a great time stu­dy­ing at EIPOS and the DIU!


Appli­ca­ti­ons for the start in 2023 are alre­ady possible:

Info & appli­ca­tion documents