TUDAG Corporarte Design

TUDA­G’s brand image is the basis for estab­li­shing a strong brand iden­tity. An essen­tial part of this brand image is the new cor­po­rate design, which ensu­res gra­phic uni­for­mity and visually trans­la­tes the com­pany’s con­tent.

The cor­po­rate design is based on the essen­tial pil­lars of signet, typo­gra­phy, color cli­mate and visual design ele­ments. The cor­po­rate design has found its first appli­ca­tion in this web­site. Tem­pla­tes for digi­tal com­mu­ni­ca­tion chan­nels and office com­mu­ni­ca­tion will quickly fol­low.


The elements of the Corpoarte design

The signet

The new signet of TUDAG is a text mark and visually frees its­elf from the (now also revi­sed) design of TU Dresden.

The two dif­fe­rent type­faces and the space bet­ween the ›TUD‹ and ›AG’­mark help to dif­fe­ren­tiate the legal form from the inhat part of the abbreviation.

Inscri­bed in the signet are three color areas repre­sen­ting TUDA­G’s main emer­ging busi­ness areas – edu­ca­tion (red), trans­fer (light blue) and entre­pre­neur­ship (green).

The domi­nant blue in the rest of the fil­ling is bor­ro­wed from the appearance of the TU Dres­den and chan­ges to a more open and ligh­ter tone. This gra­di­ent gives the signet even more light­ness and moder­nity. At the same time, all important colors of the TUDAG design are reflec­ted in the signet.

There are some important rules for the application:

The signet is equi­va­lent to a natio­nal emblem – accor­din­gly, it may only be used by TUDAG and its sub­si­dia­ries. The appli­ca­tion may only be car­ried out in com­pli­ance with these rules.

Wit­hout coor­di­na­tion with the Team Office , the use of the signet must not create the impres­sion that some­thing is con­nec­ted with or takes place with the sup­port of TUDAG, which does not belong to TUDAG at all.

Also applies:

  • Do not modify or simi­larly replicate
  • not distort, repro­duce in per­spec­tive or ali­en­ate in any other way
  • do not reco­lor or decolorize
  • do not use nega­tive (i.e. light signet on dark back­ground), except for the vari­ants inten­ded for this purpose
The new signet of the TUDAG…
…and its mono­chrome version


Signets for screen application 

ZIP archive (97kB) with the signet as RGB vec­tors (SVG) and RGB pixel data (PNG)

Signets for printing 

ZIP archive (4,7MB) with the signet as CMYK vec­tors (PDF, EPS) and CMYK pixel data (TIFF)

Signets for office applications 

ZIP archive (386kB) with the signet as RGB pixel data in high reso­lu­tion (TIFF) and nor­mal (PNG, JPEG)

The typography

With the new look, TUDAG is also say­ing good­bye to serif fonts (the ones with the little feet on the let­ter stems), whose sedate and tra­di­tio­nal cha­rac­ter does not (or no lon­ger) suit TUDA­G’s dyna­mic and for­ward-loo­king way of working.

The new house font is cal­led BARLOW.

This is gra­phi­cally a mix­ture of the Ger­man (DIN fonts) and Ame­ri­can stan­dard fonts (FHWA Series fonts). The type­face has a tidy, straight­for­ward cha­rac­ter that visually reflects deter­mi­ni­stic, busi­ness­like, and pro­gres­sive ways of working well. At the same time, there are striking figu­res and some for­mal pecu­lia­ri­ties, as well as a huma­ni­stic touch, espe­ci­ally in the cur­sive, which pro­vi­des a subtle strength of cha­rac­ter to the typeface.

On the prac­ti­cal side, three cha­rac­ter widths (nar­row, half-nar­row, nor­mal) and num­e­rous typo­gra­phic subt­le­ties (Open Type func­tions) allow deman­ding type­set­ting tasks for pro­fes­sio­nally desi­gned mate­ri­als as well as uncom­pli­ca­ted use in the office sector.

Since the Bar­low family is under open source license, its use within the TUDAG group and also in all media is pos­si­ble wit­hout legal rest­ric­tions and costs.

Substitute font

The TUDAG house font is not available or installable ever­y­where. In this case, a sub­sti­tute font that is as simi­lar as pos­si­ble and, above all, widely used must be used as a sub­sti­tute. On Win­dows and Mac sys­tems, Arial is the recom­men­ded sub­sti­tute font despite reco­gnizable for­mal differences.

Downloads & Links

Down­load the entire Bar­low family (v1.4)

ZIP archive (2.8 MB) with all (54) Open Type fonts in Open Typo For­mat (OTF) for Linux, WIn­dows & Mac systems 

Down­load Bar­low Office Cuts (v1.4)

ZIP archive (310 kB) with the font styles important for the Office tem­pla­tes as OTF for Linux, WIn­dows & Mac systems 

Bar­low Font Family Website 

Pre­sen­ta­tion and down­load of the font family by the desi­gner of the font John Tribby 

Install fonts on Windows, Mac OS, and Linux

The TUDAG house font ›Bar­low‹ is not part of com­mon ope­ra­ting sys­tems and must be instal­led sepa­ra­tely, unless this has been done by a cen­tral admi­nis­tra­tion. You can read how to do this in a straight­for­ward way for Win­dows and Mac here or in the offi­cial docu­men­ta­tion for Micro­soft Win­dows and Apple Mac OS or here for Linux PCs.

The color climate

The color scheme of TUDAG is based on the blue tone of the TU Dres­den, sup­ple­men­ted by three basic colors for the busi­ness units Edu­ca­tion, Trans­fer and Entre­pre­neur­ship. Each color of these four shades is accom­pa­nied by a ligh­tened ver­sion for subtle visual gra­di­ent effects.


The Data is Not Available 

The visual elements

The subline

To name the three busi­ness units, there is the sub­line. This has not been a fixed part of the signet so far, but sup­ple­ments it as an expl­ana­tory ele­ment depen­ding on the appli­ca­tion. The sub­line ori­gi­na­ted in the gra­phic design of the TUDAG home­page, where the trans­lu­cent over­lap­ping bars of the three busi­ness areas pro­ved to be so striking that they found their way into the cor­po­rate design as a recur­ring design element.

Exact details on the posi­tio­ning of the sub­line will fol­low here soon. Until then, the appli­ca­tion should be gui­ded by the frame­work set by the imple­men­ta­ti­ons shown here so far.


Down­load TUDAG Sub­line Screen 

ZIP archive (270 kB)
– PNG: @1x @3x
– JPEG: @1x @3x

Down­load TUDAG Sub­line Print 

ZIP archive (6.2 MB)
– CMYK PDF vec­tor data
– CMYK TIFF Hi-Res + alpha 

Dynamic Background

The dyna­mic back­ground is a recur­ring motif that – dis­creetly pla­ced in the back­ground – con­veys light­ness, dyna­mism and trans­pa­rency in TUDA­G’s appearance. It can be found on the web­site, Power­Point tem­pla­tes and video back­grounds, among others.


Download Dynamic Background 

ZIP archive (5.7 MB)
– with PDF vec­tor data
– Pixel data
  – PNG: @1x
  – JPEG: @1x @2x @4x
  – TIFF Hi-Res grayscale + alpha 

Applications of the Corpoarte design

Co-branding at TUDAG subsidiaries

Co-branding for TUDAG investments

Realizations of the Corpoarte design

Business cards

Mail signature

The mail signa­ture (or mail foo­ter) is an important com­po­nent of online com­mu­ni­ca­tion for all com­pa­nies or insti­tu­ti­ons – after all, writ­ten busi­ness com­mu­ni­ca­tion now often takes place almost exclu­si­vely via e‑mail. It thus takes over the task of sta­tio­nary infor­ma­tion on a letterhead.

Num­e­rous myths sur­round the e‑mail signa­ture, while at the same time important com­mu­ni­ca­tive and legal aspects are often igno­red. TUDAG will suc­ces­si­vely intro­duce a cen­tral admi­nis­tra­tion of mail signa­tures. Until they are fully imple­men­ted, it is important that all employees imple­ment the tem­p­late shown here as com­ple­tely as pos­si­ble in terms of con­tent and as simi­larly as pos­si­ble in terms of design, within the scope of the pos­si­bi­li­ties of their respec­tive e‑mail pro­gram used on the end device.

What belongs in a mail signa­ture and what does not?

  • Name of the sen­der and essen­tial cont­act details
  • For all exter­nal com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons with busi­ness-rela­ted con­tent, the fol­lo­wing man­da­tory infor­ma­tion applies
    Source: e‑recht24
    which are also requi­red in prin­ted busi­ness correspondence:
    • Full com­pany name
    • address for service
    • Regis­ter entry
    • Super­vi­sory bodies
    • Man­da­tory tax information
  • On the ques­tion of whe­ther man­da­tory infor­ma­tion accor­ding to the GDPR must be included in the signa­ture or whe­ther a link is suf­fi­ci­ent , there are dif­fe­rent state­ments pro source: e‑recht24 and con­tra source: Lan­des-DSB NRW. Due to the con­di­tio­nal nature of the obli­ga­tion (first cont­act only) and prac­ti­cal­ity, TUDAG uses the option to link.
  • So-cal­led mail dis­clai­mers do not belong in a signa­ture, as they are legally inva­lid any­way (»If you have recei­ved this mail by mistake, then… …!«).
    Source: Nurem­berg Cham­ber of Commerce
  • At least sty­li­sti­cally, it is not advi­sa­ble to ins­truct the addres­sees on how to handle the e‑mail (»Take care of the envi­ron­ment and do not print out this e‑mail!« or similar).

Maxi sam­ple man
Func­tional description

T: +49 351 40470-xyz
@: maxi.mustermensch@tudag.de

TUDAG TU Dres­den Aktiengesellschaft

Frei­ber­ger Str. 37
01067 Dres­den | Germany

T: +49 351 40470–299
@: info@tudag.de

Board of Manage­ment
Udo Wer­ner,
Spo­kes­man of the Board
Dr. Merle Emre, Chief Know­ledge Trans­fer Offi­cer
Prof. Dr. med. habil. Jac­ques Roh­ayem, Chief Tech­no­logy Officer

Chair­man of the Super­vi­sory Board
Rei­ner Zieschank

Local Court Dres­den – HRB: 18 991

When you com­mu­ni­cate with us by e‑mail, you agree that your per­so­nal infor­ma­tion may be
pro­ces­sed and stored by us. How we handle your data and which
rights you have can be found on our web­site under the 
link data protection


Down­load Mail­foo­ter Tem­p­late (1.1)

PDF file (107 KB) of the sam­ple foo­ter with for­mat­ting ins­truc­tions in the PDF comments. 

Down­load mail­foo­ter image 

Both images (logo and bran­ches) as ZIP archive (17kB) for the mail­foo­ter, appli­ca­tion ins­truc­tions can be found in the PDF above 

Wallpapers and video backgrounds

Video back­grounds and wall­pa­pers are available in dark and light design, illus­tra­ted or abs­tract back­ground, neu­tral for the whole faci­lity and each for the indi­vi­dual areas of TUDAG.

The video back­grounds are crea­ted in 4:3 for­mat and the gra­phic ele­ments are pla­ced in such a way that even in 1:1, 16:9 and 2:1 for­mats the logos are not cut off. In case the video back­ground is still crop­ped dif­fer­ently, there are six back­grounds with regu­lar and ran­dom logo structure.

Unfort­u­na­tely, the beha­vior of Micro­soft Teams in par­ti­cu­lar is dif­fi­cult to cal­cu­late in terms of video win­dow size and video back­ground sca­ling. Depen­ding on the num­ber of par­ti­ci­pants, there may even be por­trait for­mats for the indi­vi­dual video win­dows. In such cases, only the back­grounds with logo struc­tures in the back­ground are useful, because the only logo posi­tion where the logo is not in the bleed would be only the cen­ter and then again behind the head.

TUDAG wall­pa­pers are available in 16:9 for­mat in Full-HD and 4k reso­lu­ti­ons and are sui­ta­ble as:

  1. Video back­ground for trans­mis­si­ons with (appro­xi­m­ately) 16:9 format
  2. Start screen for   pre­sen­ta­tion dis­plays, digi­tal white­boards or pro­jec­tors as well as
  3. Desk­top wall­pa­per … and much more.

Down­load video backgrounds 

18 video HG, ZIP archive, for­mat: 1440x1080px (3.4 MB) 

Down­load Wall­pa­per Full HD 

11 wall­pa­pers, ZIP archive, for­mat: 1920x1080px (2,3 MB) 

Down­load wall­pa­per 4k 

11 wall­pa­pers, ZIP archive, for­mat: 3840x2160px (6,9 MB) 

Business mail

TUDA­G’s busi­ness mail imple­ments the cor­po­rate design in a mat­ter-of-fact, tidy and at the same time exci­ting way. On the first page, the TUDAG logo is sup­ple­men­ted by the gra­phic show­ing the three busi­ness areas. The second page appears much more reduced.

The tem­p­late is available for Micro­soft Word in DOTX for­mat. The sam­ple docu­ment is in DOCX for­mat. It should ide­ally be used on PCs on which the office cuts of the house font ›Bar­low‹ are instal­led. The tem­p­late uses ›Arial‹ as a sub­sti­tute font.

Within the docu­ment, the design colors are pre­de­fi­ned in the TUDAG appearance, as well as the most important for­mat­ting. A look at the sam­ple docu­ment shows which style sheets are inten­ded for which con­tent (salu­ta­tion, quan­tity text, hea­dings, gree­ting for­mula, sen­der per­son, sen­der func­tion, etc.).

For great con­sis­tency throug­hout, please use as little ›hand‹ for­mat­ting as pos­si­ble, but con­sis­t­ently use the for­mat tem­pla­tes. This not only ensu­res uni­for­mity – it saves a lot of time and also ensu­res a clean struc­ture and a func­tio­ning table of con­tents (where necessary).


Down­load Let­ter Tem­p­late (v3)

DOTX file to create a cus­tom letterhead. 

Down­load sam­ple let­ter (v3)

DOCX file with dummy con­tent as example 

Release Notes


Since 1.2.2023 with Merle Emre

  • TUDAG_letter_template_v3.dotx
  • TUDAG_letter_example_v3.docx


Since Novem­ber 2022 (wit­hout Prof. Müller-Steinhagen)

  • TUDAG_letter_template_v2.dotx
  • TUDAG_letter_example_v2.docx

Initial ver­sion

  • TUDAG_letter_example.dotx
  • TUDAG_letter-example.docx

How to create your personal Word template:

  1. Open the .DOTX file for imprin­ting into the letterhead
  2. Acti­vate the editing of the headers/​footers
  3. In the mar­gin column, cus­to­mize your name and cont­act information
  4. Exit header/​footer editing
  5. Save the docu­ment as a Word tem­p­late (.DOTX) in the tem­p­late fol­der sug­gested by Word.

Use of your personalized Word template:

  1. Create new docu­ments start­ing from a blank template
  2. Choose as tem­p­late your per­so­na­li­zed TUDAG–template

You can also start on the basis of exis­ting docu­ments, which you have pre­viously crea­ted from the above template.

Presentation Templates

The TUDAG Power­Point tem­p­late picks up ele­ments of the web­site in its design, but empha­si­zes prac­ti­cal­ity and prac­ti­cal­ity. The goal is not show­man­ship, but a con­fi­dent pre­sen­ta­tion of serious-loo­king content.

The tem­p­late is available for Micro­soft Power­Point in POTX for­mat. The sam­ple docu­ment is in PPTX for­mat. Like the Word tem­p­late, it should ide­ally be used on PCs that have the Office cuts of the house font ›Bar­low‹ instal­led. Embed­ding the font in Power­Point is pos­si­ble, but it increa­ses the file size by about 3 MB due to the inef­fi­ci­ent sto­rage of fonts in PPTX format.

Within the docu­ment, the design colors and the stan­dard font are cor­re­spon­ding. of the TUDAG appearance is pre­de­fi­ned, as well as the most important for­mat­ting. A look at the sam­ple docu­ment shows which slide tem­pla­tes are predefined.

These are important basic elements of the presentation

  • Start slide with TUDAG motif and pre­sen­ta­tion title
  • Chap­ter sepa­ra­tor slides with a more con­cise design to set accents in lon­ger lectures
  • tidy and light con­tent slides with res­trai­ned  bran­ding, so that the focus is on the con­tent and it is per­cei­ved as valuable 
  • Clo­sing slide with cont­act information

Presentation format

  • Aspect ratio is 16:9
  • The reso­lu­tion is Full HD at 96dpi. This cor­re­sponds to 50.8x28.56cm. Here we deli­bera­tely deviate from the out­da­ted stan­dard HD of MS Power­point (pre­viously 33.87x19.05cm) due to the increased demands of 4K dis­plays and projections.

The color concept provides orientation

The tem­pla­tes for sub­tit­les and con­tents are available in 4 color vari­ants, in order to be able to distin­gu­ish the areas TUDAG, Edu­ca­tion, Trans­fer and Entre­pre­neur­ship well via the signa­ture line and the hea­ding of the sub­title – very simi­lar to the website.

Use the design colors!

A ready-made palette with the TUDAG house colors is crea­ted in the tem­pla­tes. This allows you to sel­ect the TUDAG blue, white, and the nor­mal and light vari­ants of the three area colors with one click.

Assign this color palette to newly crea­ted dia­grams or shapes so that they auto­ma­ti­cally appear in TUDAG colors.

The motif worlds are also based on the website

By default, there are two titles – one more rela­ted to the insti­tu­tion and the buil­ding, and a more tou­rist motif to play the Dres­den card strength. There are also four stan­dard motifs for the 4 the­mes, which also lar­gely cor­re­spond to the website.

Both title motifs and inter­title motifs can be pro­vi­ded with your own motifs via the mas­ter slides in Power­Point. It is advi­sa­ble to keep in mind the valuable image world of the TUDAG and to pay atten­tion to an appro­priate image impression.

TUDAG PowerPoint Template – schematische Übersicht
TUDAG Power­Point Tem­p­late – sche­ma­ti­sche Übersicht

Download Presentation Template 

POTX-Mas­ter to create your indi­vi­dual pre­sen­ta­tion tem­p­late in con­sis­tent TUDAG design (v0.9 – 5,4MB)

Download sample presentation 

PPTX file still wit­hout pla­ce­hol­der con­tent as an exam­ple for a pre­sen­ta­tion (v0.9 – 5,4MB)

How to create your personal presentation template:

  1. Open the .POTX file
  2. Acti­vate the editing of the slide masters
  3. Cus­to­mize your name on the first page and your name and cont­act infor­ma­tion on the last page
  4. Exit the slide mas­ter editing
  5. Save the docu­ment as a Power­Point tem­p­late (.POTX) in the tem­p­late fol­der sug­gested by Word and add your name to the end of the file name.

Use of your personalized PowerPoint template:

  1. Create new docu­ments start­ing from a blank template
  2. Choose as a tem­p­late their per­so­na­li­zed template

You can also start on the basis of exis­ting docu­ments, which you have pre­viously crea­ted from the above template.