Education, language and community

The TU Dres­den Insti­tute for Advan­ced Stu­dies (TUDIAS) brings edu­ca­tion, lan­guage and com­mu­nity tog­e­ther in one place. As a sub­si­diary of TUDAG, TUDIAS pre­pa­res stu­dents, pro­s­pec­tive stu­dents, com­pa­nies and indi­vi­du­als for inter­na­tio­nal study and career oppor­tu­ni­ties. Edu­ca­tio­nal offe­rings include lan­guage cour­ses in more than 20 for­eign lan­guages, as well as cour­ses for uni­ver­sity pre­pa­ra­tion and pro­fes­sio­nal development.