Organic electronics on a new level

CREDOXYS GmbH deve­lops and dis­tri­bu­tes spe­cialty che­mi­cals for orga­nic elec­tro­nics. As a com­po­nent of orga­nic light-emit­ting diodes (OLEDs) and solar cells, CREDOXYS‹ novel trans­port mate­ri­als and dopants improve the per­for­mance of smart­phone dis­plays and fle­xi­ble solar films (OPV). The plat­form con­cept of the new mate­rial clas­ses allows the mate­rial pro­per­ties to be adapted to the requi­re­ments of a wide variety of appli­ca­ti­ons. CREDOXYS GmbH was foun­ded in 2021 as a spin-off of the TU Dresden.