Our work in the field of recruiting skilled workers

man standing behind sitting man

TUD­FaCE has main­tai­ned and nur­tu­red part­ner­ships with voca­tio­nal edu­ca­tion insti­tu­ti­ons world­wide for more than 20 years. The focus here is on the trans­fer of Ger­man trai­ning and audi­ting standards.

With the suc­cessful com­ple­tion of their trai­ning, more than 3,000 gra­dua­tes of our part­ner insti­tu­ti­ons have proof of a pro­fes­sio­nal qua­li­fi­ca­tion that is equi­va­lent to the respec­tive Ger­man refe­rence occupation.


Project contact

Initial situation

  • As it is beco­ming incre­asingly dif­fi­cult for Saxon com­pa­nies to meet their needs for skil­led workers, the option of recrui­ting and inte­gra­ting skil­led workers from third count­ries is coming into shar­per focus.
  • As a result of many years of edu­ca­tio­nal coope­ra­tion in China, more than 3,000 spe­cia­lists trai­ned to Ger­man stan­dards have suc­cessfully pla­ced them­sel­ves in regio­nal and inter­na­tio­nal com­pa­nies. Quite a few of these young pro­fes­sio­nals have the desire to work in Germany.
  • On the one hand, the skil­led labor situa­tion in Ger­many is con­stantly wor­sening; on the other hand, well-trai­ned and highly moti­va­ted Chi­nese skil­led workers who are eager to gain work expe­ri­ence in Ger­many are com­ple­ting their training.

Our work in the field of recruiting skilled workers

Based on this situa­tion, in 2021 TUD­FaCE also desi­gned a pro­ject with regio­nal part­ners to attract skil­led workers through qua­li­fied immi­gra­tion from China.

As part of this pro­ject, we bring well-trai­ned Chi­nese spe­cia­lists tog­e­ther with com­pa­nies in Sax­ony and pro­vide them with inten­sive sup­port before and during their pro­fes­sio­nal start in Germany.

In the eco­no­mic region of Dres­den, TUD­FaCE recei­ves finan­cial sup­port from the tax funds within the frame­work of the pro­ject »Aver­ting a shortage of skil­led workers – Chi­nese skil­led workers in the Dres­den eco­nomy« (PDF, 249kB) on the basis of the bud­get pas­sed by the Saxon state parliament.

Which specialist ares are involved?

Our appli­cants inte­res­ted in start­ing work in Ger­many are gra­dua­tes of voca­tio­nal trai­ning at various loca­ti­ons in China in the fol­lo­wing spe­cia­list areas:

  • Mecha­tro­nics
  • Auto­mo­tive technology
  • Machi­ning technology
  • Warehouse logi­stics
  • Tech­ni­cal pro­duct design
  • Fur­ther spe­cia­list qua­li­fi­ca­ti­ons on request.


Our offer for companies

  • highly moti­va­ted young professionals
  • Imple­men­ta­tion of the recruit­ment process
  • lan­guage pre­pa­ra­tion of pro­fes­sio­nals to the B1 level before start­ing employment
  • Assis­tance with appli­ca­tion for entry and resi­dence permits
  • Super­vi­sion of the immi­grant pro­fes­sio­nal for up to one year after entry
  • Sup­port of the employer in the inte­gra­tion into the work pro­cess and fur­ther pro­fes­sio­nal and lin­gu­i­stic qua­li­fi­ca­tion of the immi­grant skil­led worker

Our partners in Saxony

  • Fede­ral Employ­ment Agency:
    • Regio­nal Direc­to­rate Saxony
    • Dres­den Employ­ment Agency
    • Cen­tral Pla­ce­ment Abroad and Skil­led Workers ZAV
  • Cham­ber of Crafts Dresden
  • Leip­zig Cham­ber of Com­merce and Industry
  • State capi­tal Dresden
  • »Fach­kräf­te­al­li­anz Dresden«

Five pillars of successful integration with TUDFaCE

  1. Long-estab­lished trai­ning coope­ra­ti­ons with part­ners abroad.

  2. Pre-inte­gra­tion -‹ expec­ta­tion manage­ment and inter­cul­tu­ral preparation.

  3. sound con­ti­nuous lan­guage trai­ning before (B1) and after entry (B2).

  4. Inten­sive sup­port of the immi­grant professional.

  5. Enab­ling participation.

We see inten­sive sup­port for skil­led workers as a pre­re­qui­site and a mat­ter of course for the suc­cessful pro­fes­sio­nal and social inte­gra­tion of immi­grant professionals!