News : A very special host family

A duck family had been nesting on the TUDAG roof terrace in the World Trade Center since February - now there was a happy ending.

In the tree gree­n­ery on our roof ter­race a duck mother had made hers­elf com­for­ta­ble and pre­pared a nest for bree­ding. In a phone call with the Wild­vo­gel­auf­fang­sta­tion Dres­den we were told that the duck now needs rest above all. The ter­race is usually bust­ling with acti­vity and stu­dents and staff use it for breaks or casual mee­tings. Howe­ver, the cool and wet begin­ning of spring played into the hands of our duck family and they were able to breed in peace.

Last weekend the time had come: a mama duck and ten chicks wadd­led across the ter­race. In order to move the ani­mals to a sui­ta­ble home, the Dres­den Fire Depart­ment’s ani­mal res­cue team arri­ved at the WTC on Mon­day and the young fami­ly’s story had a happy ending. The mother tog­e­ther with the ten young ani­mals could be caught. A little later, the duck fami­lies were released back into the wild at the gra­vel pit in Leu­ben. Bei Insta­gram gibt es die beweg­ten Bil­der der Feu­er­wehr Dres­den dazu.